One of the Governing Body had a stroke yesterday

by AndersonsInfo 426 Replies latest jw friends

  • besty

    @JHK - that has already been done - all on the GB except Barr were hand picked by Jaracz.

  • insearchoftruth

    @JHK - that has already been done - all on the GB except Barr were hand picked by Jaracz.

    Does the GB then have to vote on a selection, needing a simple majority, or is consensus amongst the whole GB required?

  • flipper

    BARBARA- Thanks for this information . I as yet have not commented on this thread to see how it played out so I'd make somewhat of a more informed observation . I find it interesting and so ironic ( in a good way ) that we here on ex-JW boards will learn first hand about Jaracz's stroke before most of the 7 million Jehovah's Witnesses . And really a bit sad for the rank and file members because it's indeed a testimony that they are always under " information control " by the WT society on only what the GB finds appropriate to reveal to them. Most witnesses probably won't hear about this for months and months in a future WT.

    As to Mr. Jaracz's situation - I don't wish him health- I don't wish him death. Like any evil person or any good person like all of us he will eventually die. He's been a manipulative individual who has abused others mentally, emotionally, and ( allegedly ) sexually . So , therefore I totally understand the hatred and sentiments of others on this board. I share the disdain of that type of horrid conduct. The man has a lot to answer for in how he prevented child abuse victims from getting proper help by putting in policies which favor elders and powermongers of the WT society and puts innocent children at risk in their young lives which devastates their lives into adulthood - many times without a healing. He and those who make WT societies policies which abuse children - can never be forgiven that.

    My own personal experience as a boy of 10 to 12 yrs. old was my dad was city overseer in a town out here in California and Ted and Melita Jaracz would always stay in our home when serving our district. I believe they stayed about 3 times or so. I found Mr. Jaracz very stern, serious, never smiled and to be honest somewhat frightening to be around . I steered clear of him and minded my own business. Apparently his wife Melita used to be a hairdresser and she asked my mom if she could wash my hair. I protested in vain but of course mom aquiecsed to Melita's request. This lady rubbed my scalp so hard scrubbing the solution into my hair it damned near gave me " scalp burn". I thought I'd end up bald at 10 years old - or with a Mohawk she scrubbed so hard- it hurt ! Perhaps she had a little tension to release due to Ted- who knows ?

    Anyway- I was glad when they left- then my young head sprouted hair again . The things we put up with being raised a witness. But another quick side note at circuit assemblies when Jaracz would begin some talks after lunch breaks - he would stand silent at the platform for like 3 to 4 minutes sometimes authoritatively waiting for the crowd to quiet down before he said a word. It certainly had the intimidation factor to it - however it did quiet the crowd down getting in their seats. Somehow I think Jaracz reveled in his ability to intimidate. So that's all I have to say , good thread Barbara - keep it bumped !! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • AndersonsInfo

    During our early days at Bethel, GB member Grant Suiter fell in his bathroom, hit his head on the edge of the tub, and was completely paralyzed. He could only move his eyes, but could hear and comprehend everything going on around him. The nurses had to care for him like they would a baby. I think he lived for about six months after the accident.

    Suiter wasn't replaced and remained a GB member until his death. One-time poster here, Maximus, a former Bethelite and CO, told us how Suiter came to a city, it seems to me was Baltimore, Maryland, on WT business where Maximus was a CO. Suiter called Maximus a few days earlier and invited him to lunch. Much to his surprise, they met at one of the most expensive restaurants in the city. Maximus was not happy about this because he was CO in one of the poorest sections of the city and it seemed to him to be out of order for them to eat at that place while JWs in his territory lived in extreme poverty.

    During lunch, Suiter, the overseer of the Treasury Department, pulled out of the pockets of his very expensive suit, jewelry that he asked Maximus to make an offer on. Maximus had no money. He came into the circuit work right out of Bethel and he was incredulous at Suiter’s cavalier attitude.

    Maximus said he saw lots of very fine jewelry during that lunch which Suiter had just thrown in different pockets. While he displayed gold chains, diamond rings, etc., he complained how he was constantly trying to get rid of the stuff that was willed to the Society by JWs. That’s why he was there, to sell jewelry at outlets. Even the flashy rings Suitor wore on his fingers were part of the loot. This experience was one that disgusted Maximus so much that it contributed towards his leaving the organization

    Before his accident, I saw Suiter around and he was a lot like Jaracz, wouldn't give an ordinary Bethelite the time of day. So when he had his accident, there wasn't too much sympathy expressed. He certainly was not a beloved figure like Jack Barr was, but we felt sorry for him ending up a helpless vegetable. But years later when Maximus told us his tale about Suiter's expensive suits and the jewelry, I thought that he deserved to be helpless for six months before he died only able to watch life pass him by until he breathe his last breath.

    I judge no one but this man seemed to be so callous. From other stories I had heard, his interests were not especially spiritual and did not rest with concerns for the flock while he benefited so much from their labors. Considering the way he died, perhaps there is justice after all.

  • AndersonsInfo

    As you can see if you have followed this thread from the beginning, I have shared many stories here from Bethel. Memory is not always perfect, but I have tried to write down what I remember and usually check with Joe to see if I'm accurate in what I say. Many things I've related are not first hand experiences, but things I heard over the years. We all know that sometimes people have an agenda and slant the picture, so the reader is encouraged to understand that I'm not trying to slant anything, but just sharing what I know.

    If anybody has information that contradicts my anecdotes, I welcome their input. We all would like to have the correct picture of this 130 year old organization and its supporters and leaders.


  • slimboyfat
    If anybody has information that contradicts my anecdotes, I welcome their input. We all would like to have the correct picture of this 130 year old organization and its supporters and leaders.

    We certainly would, and that's why a book specifically about your time at Bethel would be excellent!

  • metatron

    I find nothing to contradict your memories, such as your characterization of Grant Suiter. I do marvel at your fair minded approach to these men as this has been very difficult for me.

    After leaving Bethel, I actually had dreams of being imprisoned there - and this was long before I lost faith in their doctrines. Perhaps the best that can be said is that they never confront the damage they create. I can remember thinking how can these old men be so superficial? So lacking in depth and yet in charge of so many people's lives? But hey, if they weren't, they all would have been Ray Franz.


  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro


    I realize this is a little off topic but do you where Maximus went? I've read many of his old posts and they really helped me as I was waking up. He seemed like a good guy.

    Also, thanks so much for sharing these personal experiences. Your balance is greatly appreciated. Had I been treated as you have, I probably wouldn't be as objective. I love reading your anecdotes and I echo sbf's request for a book!

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Welcome to the board Melita. Tell us a little about yourself.

    Do you often find complete strangers the subject of your judgment and anger? How is your relationship with your parents?

  • AllTimeJeff

    Melita said...

    Come to the refreshing waters before it's too late for you all!!! Oh, and by the way we are monitoring and we know who you are we are all www fluent.

    Ok, this probably just caught me at a bad time, but here goes.... I started out with your last piece of BS comment first, because you all ABSOLUTELY DO NOT MONITOR THESE SITES!!! You are a liar.

    All of you people are horrid, horrid, trivial, small minded Apostates that's right, Apostates!! with a capital A!!!!! I hate each and every one of you.
    To discuss the ill health of anyone in such a manner is absolutely Wrong.

    All?? There have been a few who have expressed their desire to see Jaracz die, and if you don't understand their feelings, I suppose thats fair. I haven't put it that way, and others haven't as well.

    Here is my suggestion to the rest of JWN on this thread: I have seen threads like this get totally sidetracked because of a nutty poster. Do what you want, I am not your momma, but this has been such a great thread, don't let a dimwit ruin it.....

    I was going to do a thread on Bethel monitoring these sites, and I think now is as good a time as any.... PEACE!

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