Yes he is a hard-liner. All the following information was told to me by old-timers in the Writing Department.
Jaracz was single-handedly responsible for the hard-line attitude taken towards child abuse victims and the way that the Service Dept mishandled child abuse. He absolutely detested the October 8, 1991 Awake! about molestation and the following April 8, 1992 Awake! article that contained letters thanking the GB for the Oct. 8th Awake! He actually ordered the factory not to print that Awake! He sent out Circuit Overseers to intimidate victims with disfellowshipping if they continued to accuse elders and MS of molesting them. One of these Circuit Overseers became a GB. This man is Pierce who was rewarded for his deeds. One of the other COs who also threatened victims was named Beagle? He died after he was in Bethel for a year. He didn't like Bethel and wanted to go back out in the field but then died of a virus in his heart.
Jaracz was called "Boss" by the other GB and had been a thorn in their side ever since he was invited to Bethel to be part of the GB. Knorr invited Jaracz to be part of the GB out of anger when the directors were in the process of taking away his power. It was one of his last deeds when in power. He knew Jaracz to be a fanatic and difficult to deal with and he appointed him out of spite and to get even with the directors.
Lloyd Barry as Japan's Branch Overseer back in the 60s was sent by Knorr to Australia where Jaracz was Branch Overseer to investigate charges of Jaracz's wrong-doing. Barry removed him and Knorr sent Jaracz to California to be District Overseer. Jaracz and Barry had no love for each other all the years they served together as GB. I was not told what Jaracz did to have Barry remove him as Branch Overseer.
Do I have any sympathy for Jaracz? No. I knew the man and he was one of the oddest persons I have ever met at Bethel. He was kind and nice to outsiders such as those in the congregations, but mean as all get out to the average Bethelite. I was with him in both places one day and what a surprise to see the two people that lived in Jaracz's body!