Like an awful lot of people on this site I have spent far to much time trying to rationalise my thoughts and my journey as a human being. I have been to places of deep despair and resurfaced looking the same, months or even years later but the internalised Paul changed. With this in mind let me ask you something, humour me for a moment. Can you remember what it was you were thinking or even doing, say 7 years ago on March the 14th at 9.43am? I very much doubt it! Now conjour up a picture a tree that is in your life somewhere, in a park or a garden, or maybe one you pass everyday that you have become accustomed to. This tree has a place within the peripheral area of your everyday life, the same place where your toothbrush lives and the battery in that drawer you have you never get as around to clearing out. It has no real importance to you but It has become an ingredient in the person you are and the place you currenlty live in.
Now take those two thought processes and just allow yourself to know for a moment that the wonderful tree that plays out its own existence within its own time line didnt just become that way, and is still on it own journey. Even if you pulled up a chair and sat in front of it for a 100 years, be aware that you still wouldn't actually see it grow even though you did. the ifrst time you saw that tree when you did, it had become estbalished long before you. Just think about that for a moment. Now think about your past and where it has brought you to right at this moment. just allow yourself to be aware of the years that have past.
The point I am trying to make is that if we allow ourselves to be aware of the bigger picture of our experience as a sentient being, to allow our perspective to move somewhere else within our minds eye for a bit. This process helps us alleviate the damage done within our pasts. If we allow our subconscious minds to see our world and ourselves from another perspective, and not just from the view at the end of our noses, life becomes a journey of excitement and planning. It doesn't just arrive like a ruddy great tree one morning! it got to be that way. Just like us.
Whether you get what I am saying or not what I do ask is that you allow yourselves to think freely. Tomorrow is what you do today and all that. If you stop treading water in the wash of Armageddon and slow the thought process of who you think you should be and start thinking into action who you actually are, life starts to play out in the now. Whatever it was you were doing 7 years ago on March the 14th at 9.43am, was vital at the time because you were doing it, it is not very important now though is it? What is important is what yoU do in the next ten minutes and the next hour because you are in control of that. Not the organization or what your childhood programmed you to do with it, but YOU. That amazing beautiful you.
This is especially true if you were born into the organisation I know, but totally accessible all the same. Just allow yourself to focus on the middle ground and just breath. Life becomes so much easier and a journey of self discovery. This is why the organisation does all it can to stop you thinking outside of the box. If the you within yourself that is there to put the track down for tomorrow is sedated through fear, you only ever have the raft of what you are told to cling to, instead of the ability to swim for yourself and those we grow to love during our lives.
The organisation is a haven for those who want to be there and a prison for those who don't. It is not a being of perfection that would create such a environment, merely men.