Do you wish SUFFERING on some human beings? Should you?

by BonaFide 33 Replies latest jw experiences

  • BonaFide

    With the recent illness of a GB member who has hurt many people, some have commented that they would like to have him suffer, various ways have been mentioned including having his mind fine, but his body suffering.

    We all here have a hatred for child molesters, abusers, those who make others suffer.

    And there are many examples in history as well. Hitler, Josef Mengele, John Wayne Gacy, and many others.

    Is it right to want them to SUFFER for what they have done? Should they be made to undergo the EXACT SAME SUFFERING they inflicted on others?

    Would you PERSONALLY be willing to inflict that punishment on them? Or does a person who tortures a torturer perpetuate a vicious cycle and become just like that person?


  • asilentone

    No, I believe it is God's job to judge them, not me!

    P.S. I am not even religious.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I do not wish suffereing on anyone or anything, separate from some possible corrective function.

  • ThomasCovenant


    I think this is a very interesting question that is probably a lot more complex to answer than most think.

    I would have to say, Yes I do wish suffering on some human beings.

    Is it right to wish that? I don't know. But I still wish it.

    Should they suffer the same hurt and pain? Well that would seem just and fair to me. Probably impractical and most likely not even possible.

    Would I carry out the punishment? In some cases, most definitely. In most other cases I would 'chicken' out.

    Would carrying out the punishment make me a better person? Probably not.

    Many people say they don't judge others. Some even say they leave it to Zeus or whatever they call their god to do the judging.

    I do judge people. Whether I'm correct in the judgements I make is a different matter. But I most certainly do judge others and I suspect so does everyone else but are afraid to admit it.

    Interesting question.


    Thomas Covenant

  • leavingwt

    I am a parent.

    The first time I held my baby girl in my arms...

    I KNEW what I was capable of, should someone harm her.

    That's all I'm going to say.

    EDITED: To add a photo of the moment that I had this realization...

  • beksbks

    I have to agree with you LWT

  • BurnTheShips

    No, and No.

  • chickpea

    for those who cause suffering,
    may it return to them in
    unending abundance....

  • daniel-p

    I wish him no more suffering than he's caused thousands of other JWs.

  • yknot

    Suffering versus justice..... they are not always the same thing.

    I think people generally want justice.

    Justice (in the U.S.) has many layers that include rehabilitation to capital punishment.

    What is the point of suffering for a crime anyways....... to know misery?

    What happens when people experience the misery they perpetuate (or come to heartfelt realization of harm done)..... repentance (usually).

    Could I kill someone in the protection of my family (self-defense/retaliation)..... yes. Would I delay death and torture the

    Could I live in good conscience and be a medical executioner.... yes (but that doesn't mean I will seek out that job).

    I suffered a lot at the hands of a PO and stepfather, but in the end both men (and their camp of male supporters) are stupid fools. For a long time I wanted justice and vindication (not gonna happen in this lifetime) but after those I wanted them to realize the err of their ways, repent, attone and do good. I hate their actions deeply but not them individually... because in the bigger scheme of things they are just a bunch of stupid fools who did harm when so much good could have been achieved....

    I said on the Ted thread that I was sad and crying....... Ted was/is a jackass but he was/is a sad and miserable stupid fool of a man. His life wasn't fulfilling, he contributed little to society that was of benefit. He won't be missed by many, lives will get better when he dies.... and that is SAD. Life is too precious to be wasted in such a manner. Sad that he didn't realize his true potential and make the world a better place....

    As a Xian, it saddens me when I see professed Xians who don't have the love of Christ in their hearts.... ( Or for the more agnostic/atheist version: Those who have no good will for humanity, and end up trashing life and society, leaving a legacy of emotional debt.)

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