What code of conduct do "atheists" live by?

by The Berean 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • caliber

    Read again..he strapped the bomb to his wife in this hypothetical scenario...sorry for the misreading !

    But then I venture to say, two people now would have" in time " PTSD !!!!!

  • drwtsn32
    But then I venture to say, two people now would have" in time " PTSD !!!!!

    That's quite possible! Is PTSD evidence that what a person did was wrong? Or can someone who develops PTSD (or has any sort of emotional hardship after the fact) have actually done the morally correct thing?

    Some things may be morally justified and "right", but that doesn't gaurantee the action will be easy.

  • caliber

    Caliber, I have to ask, what does the guilty conscience represent ?
    That is like asking me what love

    represents ..your intuitive inner voice should already know the answer . How could I define abstract qualities ?

    Guilt is what it is.. each must deal with it for their own peace of mind !

  • Dagney

    Good discussion!

    I have to say I was raised a JW, with the relationship with 'Jehovah' that brings. I didn't have a fear of his destroying me, did feel guilty for some behaviors, but more than anything it was a very confusing relationship. It turned out, all that angst about Jah was in my head...'he' did nothing.

    I can honestly say that I am a better person now that he is not in my life. I think about people more, and I think about my actions more. I think about who I want to be, not "if I am going to make it to the new system."

    It is such false reasoning to suggest agnostics or atheist are a heartbeat away from murder, theft and raping. Belief in god did not stop anybody from such things. Have you read history or watch the news?

  • The Berean
    The Berean


    You work for a credit card company who imposes a $39 late charge for all payments recieved as little as one day after the 15th of the month. During any given work shift you process a couple of thousand envelopes with payments included. On one particular 15th your supervisor tells you to ignor the mail for that day and assigns you to another task. This action increases revenue for the company as well as compounding the debt of the clients who have been informed in the "fine print" that "the firm cannot be responsible for delays in the mail." Is anyone guilty of stealing?

  • AllTimeJeff

    Caliber, I have to ask, what does the guilty conscience represent ?
    That is like asking me what love

    represents ..your intuitive inner voice should already know the answer . How could I define abstract qualities ?

    Guilt is what it is.. each must deal with it for their own peace of mind !

    Ok. Thats cool, and I agree. I think it a very abstract subject, which is why I was trying to get away from the abstractness of it all. No probs... I guess I am struggling to figure out what you are driving at?

  • Satanus

    Was your conscience different while you were a jw to what it is now? Why would your conscience change, if it's from god?


  • AllTimeJeff

    Berean, I appreciate a good example to illustrate a point as much as the next guy, but instead of these examples, may I please ask: What do you believe?

    If you are trying to illustrate a point, then it would help me to simply say the point. Otherwise, I am going to start arguing about credit card companies.

  • The Berean
    The Berean


    I believe that no one will walk away from their job or their country for being asked to kill or steal, they will rationalize the matter .... yet somehow some are suggesting that it is noble to walk away from their friends and families because of religious corruption. That's the tie ...

  • AllTimeJeff


    I am sure that you didn't mean everyone when you said "no one". Having said that, all I can say is, its really up to the individual. It shows what they are made of, every big and little decision we make.

    To walk away from family and friends over religion is a bit different and must be handled on a case by case basis, and religion by religion basis. Taking to your point, it is clear that any religion that divides, or otherwise demands that division within friends and family is very telling about that religion.

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