blondie: Agree "the present is the only place we live".
What I don't understand is that 99% of you feel the same, it
was a miserable time. Why would any sane person that was
raised in the borg turn around and do the same to their children.
Most kids have fun memories growing up, why would you subject your
child to that. It not is if things change in the borg, it became worst.
You have generation of gang members, in some cases it is the grandfather,
father and son. What do you get out it, death and prison.
Young JW, wake up. What was good for us may not be that way for you.
The old saying, what's good enough for mom and dad is good enough for me.
I know young kids that was beaten mercilessly because that was the way of
the truth, today they are still in the borg raising their children.