I was born in 1963. I was never baptized.
My parents weren't 'dedicated' when I was a child so we didn't have the full brunt of what it must have been like for many who were. My Mom smoked and used that as an excuse not to get baptized or go out in Field Serve-Us. Back then Bible Studies were conducted in our home. We did not go to the Hall except on Memorial night and I only remember going once or twice.
I was raised on the doctrines and life was a struggle, due to my logical, reasoning, intellectually honest mind. I remember being told that the end was so close I wouldn't grow old in this system of things, that I wouldn't even graduate high school, and I would definitely not need a job/career. I had a hard time swallowing this story as I got older. Here I am, almost 52 years old, and am now closer to the end of my career than the beginning of it. And yes, I have grown older.
I remember having to justify to my parents every time I wanted to do something.
The mantra from my Mom was: "What do you want to do that for?"
I couldn't wait to graduate high school and move away to go to college. I had to get out of the house and away from the JW toxic mind-set.
Despite my Mom's feeble attempts to dissuade us, my younger bro and I did go to 'higher learning'.
None of us children are JWs nor are any of my parent's grand children. So much for the JW legacy in my immediate family.
Other members of my family (on my Mom's side) are not so lucky.