Narkissos wrote: "A better method imo is to consider each work separately and see what "portrait" of the Holy Spirit it presents. This calls for literary rather grammatical analysis." ~ OK, let's take his approach & examine the clearly documented notion that
Multifaceted, Complex-COMMUNICATION is a Prominent Characteristic of The Holy Spirit. The WT agrees, but attempts to explain Scripture away, via a point that refutes their own acknowledgment !!!
"While some texts refer to the spirit as 'witnessing,' 'speaking,' 'saying' things, [true, see #10 to 39] other texts make clear that IT spoke through persons, [true, see #30,31,32,33] having NO PERSONAL VOICEOF ITS OWN." [false, see #35,36,37,38,39]
(Insight p.1020, & Aid p.1543)
The Challenge: Do you agree that the above quote is blatantly & factually untrue?
40 Ways The Holy Spirit COMMUNICATES
1. hears / understands (true listening is a vital part of communication, for God & man)
2. consults (fundamental part of relationship in the Godhead ~ God is One)
3. initiates (fundamental part of communication ~ consults, then initiates / wills)
4. wills (choosing how, what, & when to communicate / do)
5. searches (examines) (thoroughly researches His response)
6. mulls / thinks / favours (before communicating His conclusions & decisions)
7. loves (revealing the basis of His communication & actions)
8. shares (revealing His openness & willingness to communicate, bless, & gift us)
9. comforts (revealing His desire to minister to us, not just communicate through us)
10. intercedes (pleads) (revealing His care & support for the battles in / for our lives)
11. hyper-intercedes (pleads) (revealing His intense care)
12. hyper-intercedes (pleads) transcendently (with wordless, Divine-Heart-to-Heart communication)
13. commissions (calls / summons)14. bears witness15. bears joint witness16. testifies17. declares18. teaches19. guides us into truth20. reveals21. spells it out for us22. reminds23. warns24. forbids25. helps us pray26. helps us pray & praise via tongues27. helps us communicate love
28. speaks through dreams29. speaks through visions30. speaks through humans31. speaks through humans, giving prophecy32. speaks through humans, giving Divine knowledge33. speaks through humans, giving Divine wisdom34. speaks through Scripture (proving He is The Author of Scripture)
35. speaks directly (with His Personal Voice)36. speaks directly & expressly (articulate, deliberate, distinct, emphatic, explicit, intentional, pointed, specific, unambiguous, unequivocal)37. speaks directly in responsive conversation38. speaks directly in conversation & with repetition39. invites (you to "hear" the evidence, & respond to His invitation)
40. enables us to be born in spirit, & communicate / understand spiritual things