Watchtower is kicking people out again, in the name of LOVE?

by Bethelite Elder 119 Replies latest jw friends

  • mouthy

    Cessa I didnt have the chance to welcome you.
    So I am doing it Now...WELCOME!!!!!!

    Hang in there brother, we have all kinds of thoughts
    on this site. Remembering that we say what we think now..

    Because we have INDEPENDENT thinking. But join in.
    We love to be free to express our selves (((((HUGS)))


  • bronzefist

    Billy the Ex- Bethelite..

    First you pat yourself on the back about your Christ-like actions with molesters by saying...

    What mistreatment by us wicked Bethelites are you speaking of? The only person I disfellowshipped had committed statutory rape and was promoting drug use to underage children. I saw to it that another molester had no chance at reinstatement for as long as possible. Should I apologize for "kicking them to the curb"?

    Then you do a 180 degree turn and in an unlike Christ attitude, but still typical of an elder, you throw this taunt at me....

    Shall I give them your address so they can come and shack up with you?

    As I posted after your rant I helped .....and still continue to help ANYONE not JUST those in this organization. I notice you still cling to the Most Holy title Bethilte as if it were a medal. Funny cause I won a Purple Heart when I was in Vietnam...but threw it away after I realiized how many innocent people were killed by the Government I supported.

    Bronzefist the Ex-Good for Nothing Slave

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I won a Purple Heart when I was in Vietnam...but threw it away after I realiized how many innocent people were killed by the Government I supported.

    Wow, you actually killed people in the Vietnam War for the Government you supported... then later you rejected the cause?

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    DaCheech, so I'm a nazi now?

    I'm done wasting my time here.

  • bronzefist

    Wow, you actually killed people in the Vietnam War for the Government you supported... then later you rejected the cause?

    That's right Little Billy the Ex-Bethelite people died because of the corrupt system I supported and I'm man enough to take the blame for supporting that. By the way I was a Conscientious Objector and served as a Medic so I actually DIDN'T kill people as you implied. but that's typical of your sort taking things out of context to support your point of view. I don't waste my time shouting about all the good I did while I supported that evil system. So pick up your little toys from the sandbox and have your mommy wipe your nose for you.

  • garybuss

    Hi hamsterbait

    I fit my own descriptions of teasers and pleasers. I was a believing walkaway for 18 years from 1974 till 1992. I floated somewhere between reality and a bad deal all that time. I was happy to read the writings of other former Witnesses. It gave me hope that I wasn't completely crazy.

    I was in the position of standing alone against virtually everyone who had been important to me . . . my wife, my parents, my brother, aunts, uncles, and lifelong acquaintances. Was I crazy to think I could be right and all of them be wrong? It was so hard to imagine, that I worked to discredit myself to me. I failed to deny the obvious, and eventually I accepted that I might be right about the Jehovah's Witnesses.

    I don't think you're supporting the Watch Tower. You're helping lots of people. You fill us in on insider stuff and help us obtain current literature. You show courage, you're courteous, smart, witty, and a good asset to the counter-Witness movement. Because you do your job, and I do mine, the Watch Tower has to work harder for fewer results.

    My point for years has been that it's impossible for the Watch Tower to fail and it's employees and supporters to succeed. For the Watch Tower to fail, the employees and supporters have to fail first. We're seeing that now. We tried to warn them in every way we could but they disrespected us and continued to work with those trying to hurt us.

    The Watch Tower Corporation Jehovah's Witnesses are gonna throw their people under the bus, one at a time, 400 at a time. We've been trying to tell them for years. Kent tried to help them with Watch Tower Observer. Simon's trying to help them. The Watch Tower Corporation isn't some abstract company rising out of the clouds and run by robots, it just people . . . Jehovah's Witness people.

    They either gotta bail or they're gonna get nailed.

    I think it's kind of ironic for members posting on an ex_Jehovah's Witness forum getting all pissed off over bad news for the Watch Tower Company.

    I like their bad mews. I hope we get more. I hope all their volunteers are eating out of garbage cans on bum's alley before this is done.

  • ColdRedRain

    FlyingHighNow said: Part of the reason the US economy is in such miserable shape. You can't run a good company with out happy, healthy people and it be successful. Eventually everyone pays for this short sighted corporate greed.

    What caused the US economy to fail as badly as it did was grandiose promises of free money without recognizing the immense economic burden it would put on the rest of the people, much like what happened in Bethel. JWs had to pay people without jobs using just donations for the past 20 years, and Bethel didn't follow suit by making "brothers" go home after the money spigot dried up.

    If Bethel was really concerned about maximizing efficiency and minimizing costs in the first place, Bethel would have been defunct since the mid 1990s due to t he growth of the internet. But they wanted to keep their workers "Happy" as long as possible, even when the years of paper media seemed numbered. As Rush said, you can't subsidize buggy whip manufacturers perpetually. Eventually, times will catch up to the company producing obsolete technology.

    You can run a company without "happy, healthy people" if those "unhappy, unhealthy people" think the labor's worth being unhappy and unhealthy. Eventually, if they don't like it, those unhealthy and unhappy people can leave and form their own companies or go to other corporations. What makes the WT's situation so unique is that the Bethelites can't defect anywhere else if they hate the religion. If they defect, they lose their friends and family.

    Moral of the story: You don't try to write checks with your mouth that your hide can't cash. Also, cradle to grave care often doesn't begin at the cradle, often ends before the grave, or it's not even that caring. That's a lesson everybody should learn in life.

    You may return to your regularly scheduled socialism.

  • JustHuman14

    WT is using their slaves liek a lemon...they squeeze it until there is no juice left and through it way. I hope this behaviour will awake the JW's and see their "loving" organization how evil is...

  • done4good

    I know it's an unpopular opinon here, but Gary is spot on.

    WTS is only as bad as it's people.

    Wake up and get out.

    This isn't about hate or prejudice, it's about personal responsibility.

    Most ex-jws are no different than jws in this area.


  • done4good

    To clarify my previous post, organizations, (all of them), are only made up of people. They cannot be any better or worse than the individuals that make them up.

    The WTS exists on the basis that its members have certain traits in common. Most, (but obviously, not all), Jehovah's Witnesses, have persecution, and victum complexes, and have difficulty, yes difficulty, thinking for themselves. They want someone else to do the thinking for them. It's not simply a matter of the WTS "needing" to control its members. It does this because, at a collective level, this is what its members want.

    Until one begins to realize this, it will be impossible to understand where the real power in the WTS comes from. Its not the GB, or the elders, or COs, or any of that. It comes from the 7 million people who identify with what the organization stands for. Without them, there IS no WTS.


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