There is a JW Therapist Elder in Southern California - Experience

by BonaFide 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • BonaFide

    I know of two JW Therapists, one who is an elder.

    So yesterday I was out in service (Yea I know) and we saw another car group from another congregation in a parking lot. So we all started to talk and see who knew who, etc. I recognized one of the sisters, and I asked her about her husband. He is a Licensed Therapist and an elder. I already knew this, but I wanted to get some more details.

    He became a Witness at age 20. He left college. Then he got married to another Witness and worked at a crummy job for years. After he was appointed as an elder, he decided to finish his schooling. His wife worked, and he went back and got his degree. He focused on therapy so "he could help the brothers."

    Now he is a Licensed Therapist. Most of his patients are Witnesses. His wife said this: "Yea, its great because since he is an elder, he can help the friends with therapy, and he can include Scriptures. A lot of Witnesses need help, but they think their issues are related to their spirituality. So he helps them to see that their issues does not mean they are not spiritual. He helps them get rid of guilt feelings. The only thing is that they have to sign a form stating that if they have committed a wrong that the elders need to know about, he will not be obligated to keep confidentiality. A lot of the sisters have eating disorders, so he helps them. Plus a lot of others, brothers and sisters."

    So, what you say? Do you know any other JW therapist elders out there? What is your take on all this?


  • Marjorie
    The only thing is that they have to sign a form stating that if they have committed a wrong that the elders need to know about, he will not be obligated to keep confidentiality.

    Who gets to decide "what the elders need to know about?"

  • loosie
    The only thing is that they have to sign a form stating that if they have committed a wrong that the elders need to know about,

    HIPPA should be notified of this right away. this is against the law!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • purplesofa

    HIPPA should be notified of this right away. this is against the law!!!!!!!!!!!

    Good call Loosie,

    It does not sit well at all. What a racket!!!!

    Another JW making money off their brothers and sisters.

    Not being able to objective does not make for a good therapist, but JW's are not the only one that are at fault with this.

  • BonaFide

    I am not sure of the exact wording of the statement though. I wrote in my post that it says if they have "committed a wrong." But it may be more generalized wording than that, I am not sure. He may use the term "illegal activity?" But we Witnesses know what he means, it means if you have sinned, he will tell the elders. But I don't think that paper actually spells it out like that. He is a pretty smart guy, so I think he words it carefully. That won't stop someone from suing him though if he actually tells the elders something. I would assume if one of his patients confesses something, he will tell THEM to go to the elders so they can get better emotionally. That is probably the way he works it.

    He has only been in practice for a year or so, so we will see...


  • Marjorie

    I admit that I am not that knowledgeable about patient-doctor confidence.

    However, this man is guaranteeing that you have no privacy. He is no longer a moral and efficacious therapist.

    Loosie and Purps are right, BF. It's illegal, and definitely a scam.

  • loosie

    There has to be someway you can report him. I'm not saying this because I don't like JW's. I am saying this because I go to a therapist and I wouldn't want him to go tell the catholics that I don't observe good friday.

    If you are afraid to becaus eit might come back at you or something. PM me and I will.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    This is indeed scary.

    Any problems they have because they live in a cult will never be addressed.

    His release of info form should be against the law. The only times a release is used is

    • if a referral with another professional is needed
    • there is a danger (suicide or homicide fits here) to the person or to another person and police would be contacted
    • invoice for services - only a person's name, other ID info, dates of appts, and possibly diagnosis would be given for insurance purposes

    There have been a few people on the board who used JW therapists. I think they all said it made things worse - much worse

  • Marjorie

    You might as well tell all your problems directly to the elders. They will find out anyway -- thanks to him.

    And you won't have to pay any fees, either.

  • passwordprotected

    Is what he's doing ethical?

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