Topics for discussion with JWs - part 1: Why did Jehovah create dinosaurs?

by Albert Einstein 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    Lets start topics for discussion with JWs, such ones, that will make them feel very unconfortable....

    My first turn:

    Why did Jehovah create dinosaurs?

    Jehovah is a god of love right? Under his rule there will be no wars and even lions will be good friends with lambs .... and there will be just peace and nobody will hurt anyone ... even animals will not hurt other animals...

    So why he created huge variety of giant and extremely violant beast like all the dinosaurs? Most of them were equiped with big strong teeth and bodies enabling them succesfully fight other animals...

    And they dominated the earth for some 170 mio years ...

    Why was it? What JWs might answer?


  • ziddina

    So we could have gas to go out in service, of course, Silly!!

    Seriously, (well, sort of - how serious can I be with all these smileys...)

    Looking at all the fossil remains with teeth marks actually on the bone or in the shell - the T-Rex tooth marks on various dinosaur skeletons indicate at the least the possibility of predation - personally, I believe T-Rex was a predator/scavenger, taking easy meat when available, and hunting when necessary...: "The teeth of tyrannosaurids are very interesting - rather than being the flat knifelike blades as in most other carnivorous dinosaurs, they are, as Berkeley's Professor Kevin Padian describes them, "like lethal bananas;" more like giant spikes than razor-edged blades. With a mouthful of this murderous fruitlike dentition, tyrannosaurs had a whopping bite, which might have made up for their reduced forelimbs. The bite marks of these teeth are quite recognizable on some dinosaur bones. Some tyrannosaur fossils show evidence of bite marks from other tyrannosaurids, suggesting that there might have been fierce fighting between tyrannosaurs, or even cannibalism....

    A current topic in paleontology that has received much popular press is the question of whether T.rex (or other Tyrannosauridae in general) were predators or scavengers. Let's explore this issue.

    Paleontologist Jack Horner of the Museum of the Rockies (Bozeman, MT) has proposed that T.rex could not have been a predator. His arguments against predation include its small eyes (needed to see prey), small arms (needed to hold prey), huge legs (meaning slow speed) and that there is no evidence for predation - bones have been found with tyrannosaur teeth embedded in them or scratched by them, but so far no study has shown that tyrannosaurs killed other dinosaurs for food (a bone showing tyrannosaur tooth marks that had healed would be strong evidence for predation).

    His evidence supporting scavenging include its large olfactory lobes (part of the brain used for smell), and that its legs were built for walking long distances (the thigh was about the size of the calf, as in humans). Vultures have large olfactory lobes and are good at soaring to cover long distances.

    There are arguments against scavenging. Most large living predators (such as lions and hyenas) do scavenge meat happily when it is available, but most do prefer fresh meat. Horner argues that its arms were too weak to grab prey, but sharks, wolves, snakes, lizards and even many birds are successful predators without using their forelimbs (if any). Whether T.rex was a slow animal is tough to tell, as our dinosaur speeds page will tell you...."

    From :

    When one looks at the number of predators down thru the eons, one realizes that Earth NEVER experienced a "Garden of Eden" - there were massive, dangerous predators in ALL periods of Life on Earth.

    I could go on with various examples; Allosaurus, Carnotaurus, Raptor-type predators, alligators and crocodiles which date back at least 80 to 135 million years (ancient forms, not the modern versions...)

    Buuuuut.... When one is talking to literalists who believe the earth itself is only about 49,000 years old - or six human 'days'....


  • villabolo

    He created violent dinosaurs so that their discovery could stumble demonized apostates like us.

    By the way Zid that's 48,000+/- years. The millenium has not started yet. Maybe Yah will resurrect T. Rex in the New World to keep people submissive.

  • ziddina

    Villalobo - my mistake. Let's see - subtracting that last 1,000 years when Christ will rule, and minus whatever time we have left before "Armageddon"...

    That would make the earth only 46,983 years old... Give or take a false prophecy or two...


  • ziddina

    (I'm sorry... I just COULDN'T RESIST!! - Aaaaaaaaaa!)

  • besty

    I think the Society acknowledge the 'earth' is billions of years old - its the 'creation' on it that they have vacillated and more recently gone quiet on.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    As a JW kid, I was told that the reason god created dinosaurs was to eat down the vegetation.

    Which only made me wonder why Jah made to much vegetation in the first place?

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    My mum told me they were created to flatten the Earth -.-

    A) Why did God not just create the Earth flat.

    B) Most dinosaurs were very small

    C) What a load of shite.

  • carla

    I've asked about dinosaurs with ex jw's over the years and they gave me the following responses of what they were told;

    to flatten the earth

    there really were no dinosaurs, jah just scattered bones because little kids like dinosaurs so much

    jah was testing out life, kind of practice run before humans I guess

  • ziddina

    Besty - "I think the Society acknowledge the 'earth' is billions of years old - its the 'creation' on it that they have vacillated and more recently gone quiet on...."

    Yeah, I remember that stage in the WTBTS - for a while there, they were trying to be "open-minded" about science - not like that NASTY "Ho' " the Catholic Church who, hundreds of years ago, persecuted scientists for making belief-shattering discoveries... They did say at one point that they had no idea how old the earth itself was, but that the six creative days (so far) must have been only 42,000 years or so - seven times a thousand years for a day - more biblical mish-mash on dates...

    Which means they were trying desperately to ignore the scriptures in Genesis 1: 2-31 [six days of creation] while clinging desperately to Genesis 1:1 which says simply "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

    Their reasoning was that Genesis 1:1 applied to a billions-year-old-earth while Genesis 1:2-31 applied to the 42,000-year-old "Six Days of Creation"...

    What anal, spastic reasoning....


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