whats the longest DF'ing you have known?

by wobble 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • purplesofa

    Purp? 9 years and went back... what in the world were you thinking? LOL

    I wasn't thinking!!!! Honestly, it always bothered me that 6 million people could not talk to me!!!

    I had friends that opened their hearts to me the minute I was reinstated, as if nothing ever happened.

    That whole nine years I still believed the Truth to be the truth. I believed there was some defect in me and my heart and that I surely needed to be DF. That GOD disciplined those that he loved and I was being disciplined and God must still love me!!!! If God was going to fix the whole planet, he could surely fix little ole me.

    I held on to those beliefs daily, still never celebrated holidays, tried hard to live by the WT teachings, did not let my kids play sports, keeping my oldest son from a chance to play baseball, swayed them from wanting to go to college, etc etc. No school prom!!!

    I did give it a fighting chance though.

    I still miss some of my friends that are still in.


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