You'd make a great instructor. I am excited for you. I soo hope you get the job.
I need a job
by mrsjones5 38 Replies latest jw friends
Thank you FHN
I've seen basic skirtmaking pattern kits before, so you can adjust and make any size of skirt you need, whether it be A-Line or what have you. Seemed like a lot smarter thing to do than buying all of those paper patterns. I'm one of those persons who needs to adjust every pattern as nothing ever fits right. It's yard sale season here (started this past weekend) so maybe I'll find some gems, too, this summer!
Let us know how this works out! I'm excited for you!
St. Ann
JOSIE- HEY SIS ! How are you ? I wish you the best in pursuing this possible venture. My wife Mrs. Flipper is a professional seamstress and has been at it self employed for over 20 years now. She has all the industrial grade sewing machines and is very adept at it. If you would like to talk with her sometime I'm sure she'd love to discuss the finer points of the industry with you. We'll talk sometime soon. Look forward to talking
Thanks Flipper. I'm looking forward to meeting and talking to you and the Mrs.
Good luck!
I wish you the best.
Thanks Burns