scared of the birds

by bibledike 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • bibledike

    I was raised as a J Dub since I was a little girl. I'm 22 now and I'm still scared of those damn birds. I got baptized when I was ten so it was beat hard in me that the birds were going to eat all the wicked people. I'm cured from the rest of the "teachings" but I have a little problem getting over the birds swooping down please help.

  • lavendar

    Since you're "cured from the rest of the teachings".....I'm sure you'll eventually lose your fear of birds too. They will never hurt you. They're beautiful creatures that God created for us to enjoy on this earth....not to be afraid of.

    (If I were you, I wouldn't ever watch Hitchcock's The Birds movie)

    Welcome to the board, bibledike!

  • purplesofa

    Welcome to the Board,


  • HintOfLime

    I too have a few irrational fears I am combatting. One method I use may work well in this case:

    Print or write out on a piece of paper the thought you want to get across to the amygdala - the fear center of the brain. The amygdala is very fast at sending messages to the rest of the brain when it's triggered, but can only receive messages slowly, and when it's not in a paniced state. (From what I've read.. I'm not a neurologist.) So print out on a piece of paper the message you want to send to the amygdala. Something simple like "My fear of birds is irrational. Birds do not equal danger." Use big text and bold colors. Place this peice of paper someplace you spend a lot of time, such as next to your computer. Each time you set down at your desk, get into a habit of reading this paper. Over time, your amygdala will get the message.

    Interestingly, the watchtower employs a similar strategy of bombarding the brain with their message 3 or more times a week. Becasuse watchtower thinking is repeated so frequently, and so emotionally (condemnation, guilt, punishment) - they can very successfully emplant neural associations to trigger sometimes without our even realizing it.

    It took a while for your brain to learn the watchtower pattern, so give your brain adaquate time and training to relearn out of it.

    - Lime

  • villabolo

    Just don't watch that Alfred Hitchcock movie, you know which one, and you'll do fine. Welcome.

  • Quandry

    welcome, bibledike.

    It may take awhile to get over irrational fears from your years in the WTS. Give yourself the time. The more absorbed in education you become, and I hope you are getting one, you will feel more confidence in yourself and your abilities, and you'll think less and less about birds.

  • loosie

    Time heals all wounds.

    I don't like chickens. It doesn't have anything to do with JW's though. We ahd one as a pet when I was 8 and the damn thing chased me around the yard and pecked at the back of my legs.

  • restrangled

    Welcome bibledike...the birds won't hurt you ever. Get a little feeder and put it out and watch.

    As everyone stated never watch the hitchcock movie "The Birds" It's not for real.


  • villabolo

    Loosie, you were henpecked?

    I remember my mother used to work at a chicken farm way back in the days when they were uncaged and loose on a floor. I was about three years old and she brought me to her work where I got to meet chickens for the first time. To me they looked like huge (half my size) aliens bobbing up and down, the whole flock of them surrounding me. Boy was I terrified.

  • chickpea

    when i first came to this forum
    i had written a post about how
    the flocking of the ravens here
    was unsettling for the same
    reason you stated**.... even tho
    i came to the "truth" as an adult,
    it was still an ingrained and disturbing....

    the further removed you are from
    that marinade of doomsday, the
    easier it will be for you to realize
    they used mind control tactics
    to keep you in step with the party line

    welcome to your freedom, mate

    **now, it is just a murder of ravens...
    yes, that is the term used to describe
    a flocking or collective of these birds.....
    they can be referred to as
    an unkindness of ravens as well


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