scared of the birds

by bibledike 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • parakeet
    I'm 22 now and I'm still scared of those damn birds.

    <--------------------- I don't look that scary, do I? I promise not to swoop over you and scare you.

  • cameo-d

    Damn birds!

    Leave Bibledike alone or I will make coo-koo clocks out of all of you!

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    You probably don't want to talk to me then i'm guessing

  • Heaven

    Something simple like "My fear of birds is irrational. Birds do not equal danger."

    Great suggestion. I would include a positive slant and print out things like... "Birds are beautiful", "Birds eat lots of insects like mosquitoes", "Chickens are birds and they make yummy food!". Think of beautiful, harmless species of birds... like hummingbirds.

    The Universal Law of Attraction speaks to the way we word things as being very important. Negativeness begets negative results, whereas Positiveness begets positive results. An example follows:

    I don't want to be overweight. (What you focus on expands so focusing on the negative aspect will work against you accomplishing your goal)

    I wish to be healthy, eat healthy foods, and be physically active. (Focus on the positive outcome you wish to accomplish)

    You CAN retrain your brain. It may take a while but it's worth it! Welcome to the Forum.

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    I wrote a song about it.

    Called "(Written Off As) Bird Food"

    I love songs with brackets in their titles ^_^

  • parakeet

    After looking at cameo's photo of what appears to be the mutilated corpse of an innocent woodpecker, I've rethought my position. Down with Humans! Power to the Birds!

    Everyone, pay heed to bibledike's fears. Be afraid; be very afraid. Think Hitchcock's "The Birds" is scary? You ain't seen nuthin yet. [parakeet retires to a dark corner, muttering to herself]

    BTW, Psychotic Parrot, your nickname is redundant. ALL parrots are psychotic.

  • Elsewhere

    > I'm 22 now and I'm still scared of those damn birds.

    Have you ever gone to a pet store and looked at the little birds? Parakeets, finches, etc? How did you react?

    They're just cute little peeps.

  • parakeet

    Have you ever gone to a pet store and looked at the little birds? Parakeets, finches, etc? How did you react? They're just cute little peeps.

    Thank you, Elsewhere. But it's too little, too late (see my previous post). Humans are going DOWN!

  • BabaYaga

    I am really liking HintofLime's and Heaven's suggestions. The brain is a funny, funny thing.

    Welcome to the forum, BibleDike!

  • parakeet

    bibledike? Where are you, bibledike? You were a dub for 22 years and your only problem is birds???

    Sniff, sniff. Is that a bird-phobic troll I smell?

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