I'm having some difficulty navigating the site, but thanks asilent one for the nice welcome
thanks for the nice welcome
by stillin 19 Replies latest jw friends
Your welcome!
Come on people let us welcome stillin to the board!
no biggie. I'll have to share my stuff sometime. As it is, my wife would have a cow if she knew I was here...I mean, this is worse than PORNOGRAPHY!
Welcome to the board, stillin. Hopefully you'll soon be able to change your name to wazinonce.
Welcome, Stillin!
I'll have to share my stuff sometime
Yes, do tell.
so how does one go about having an avatar? There doesn't seem to be much help in the members area, as far as my profile goes.
At the moment the only ones who have avatars are the ones who had them prior to Simon updating the site. The same goes for profiles.
only me
aha! (wicked asyrian king?) Thanks, I won't bang my head against the wall anymore. You people are very entertaining, you know. I'm composing my thoughts, but I have a legal case with the WTS, so I need to use extreme caution so as not to screw up my "thing." You know, some feel that standing up for yourself is grieving the holy spirit? But I think it's just acting in harmony with my prayers...