thanks for the nice welcome

by stillin 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • crazyblondeb

    Welcome!! Glad u have a legal case against the borg!

    Let us know what you are doing, when you can!


  • tooktheredpill

    Welcome Stillin!

  • cameo-d

    welcome stillin. Are you planning to stay in?

  • Marjorie

    Welcome to JWN Stillin.

    Here's to the success of your suit ...

  • stillin


    am I planning to stay in?

    That sort of depends on how this thing works out. I'm very dissapointed in some of the policy now, which has changed my point of view, some. I'm still trying to understand why the Society has implemented some of the ideas that they have. If I hit a Eureka! moment, I may get myself back around to the straight and narrow. Or, the Society may "lighten up" on one of its' ridiculous stands and that would also be an indicator of the "reasonableness" that scripture advocates.

    For now, service is very difficult. How can I direct people into an Organization that treats its' members as I am being treated? I can comment, but people aren't used to thoughts not stated in the paragraphs, so that makes me somebody to be wary of, doesn't it? Why does the congregation even bother discussing things together?

    The big thing for me is to not let anger, or emotion, dictate my it has so many here in this forum, if I may say so.

  • passwordprotected
  • BloominMarvellous

    Hi Stillin! Welcome to the forum, I'm new too

    I felt exactly the same about the service, I just couldn't tell others about the organisation's lies and massive faults.

    Good Luck with your case!!!!

  • poppers

    Why does the congregation even bother discussing things together?

    I would guess to ensure that there is regimentation of thought; this keeps people "in line" with everybody else. When I was in the Marines you couldn't be a squad leader in boot camp if you couldn't march in a straight line because everyone following you would be out of line as well. It's easier to control a group when the whole group is made to think the same way. Imagine what would happen if JWs were allowed to think on their own.

  • Heaven

    Welcome, Stillin...

    How can I direct people into an Organization that treats its' members as I am being treated?

    If you're an honest person, you simply cannot. It speaks to your personal integrity.

    Why does the congregation even bother discussing things together?

    So they can club you over the head to get you in line when you're not in unity with the WTS. I don't know if you're familiar with the 1954 Douglas Walsh Trial in Scotland but 'unity' at all costs (even if they have to spread false prophecies) is certainly the order of the WTS.

    I'm trying to figure out how to educate my father (a Ministerial Servant) that he is not doing God's work. He's been in for 25 years. I know more about his organization that he does!


    Welcome, Stillin!

    How can I direct people into an Organization that treats its' members as I am being treated?

    Its often when we experience "issues" in the org that we begin to ask the questions that nobody seems to have the answers for.

    If you are seeking the answers, this site is a goldmine! Hope you find this place informative and I will look forward to hearing your story one day


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