Hello, my wife is on again, off again studying with the JWs. I have done a lot of reading and research into the WTS and want to see if I understand this correctly.
OK, the WTS believes that Jesus 'returned invisibly' in 1914 and threw Satan out to the earth, and in 1975, wait 1994, soon, very soon, we are in the last days of the last days, armageddon will take place. When this happens, faithful JWs will either go to heaven, if of the anointed remnant or remain living on an earth which they will make a paradise over the next 1000 years. Anyone living at the time of the start of armageddon who is not a JW will be killed off in the battle and have no hope of a resurrection during the 1000 years.
People who were not JWs but died prior to armageddon will be recreated, well they say resurrected, where a perfect replica of their body will have a download of their memories installed in it, and these people will have a chance to prove themselves during the 1000 years to see if they too will have the chance to live forever on paradise earth. If they goof this up, they will be destroyed forever.....no hellfire or anything like that...
So those who are JWs in good standing and alive at armegeddon, their reward is cleaning up the aftermath of the big A, those who did not become a JW and died prior to armageddon, they will have a chance at a recreation, I mean resurrection sometime during the millenium years and a chance to prove themselves, but they don't have to work the full 1000 years to restore the earth, the JWs get to do that for them...and then those who are not JWs but are alive at the big A, they had already been destroyed, no hell, and they just will not get recreated by Jah and have their memories downloaded......
So I guess the short of it.......become a JW, live life with all the manmade restrictions, serve a governing body and really have no fun, ........don't become a JW, the big A comes along and you are still alive, be destroyed and have no memory of anything at all, or........don't become a JW, die prior to the big A, let the JWs start to make the earth a paradise and then get recreated sometime and try to prove oneself, if one fails, just get destroyed again. So to me, if one really wants to have an opportunity to live forever on paradise earth, if one lives a fairly good life (not too bad of a person), ones only risk of not becoming "one of Jehovah's witnesses" would be if you happen to still be alive at armageddon...which from what I have read is being communicated at this years convention is right around the corner.....
Seems all too strange to me....do I somewhat understand the basics of their teachings.....