New Scientist Article - success of religion dependant on martyrs

by jwfacts 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • WTWizard

    I will provide the date for them. In the year 5,000,000,000 the sun will expand to swallow Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, and Jupiter. After which it will shrink to a white dwarf--all life on the planet will be gone.

    Better get out there--it is an EMERGENCY!

  • jwfacts

    I guess that managing a mind-control cult is quite a delicate thing

    Cult leaders may get large followings, but it does not follow that they are particularly intelligent or naturally know the best way to lead. It is often a mix of trial and error. Most fail and a few succeed. The WTS can be congratulated for doing better than most, and surviving some dark periods in its history, such as after the failures of 1914 and 1925.

    However, as can be seen now, they do not know the best way forward without the great carrot of an end date and are making a number of counter-productive changes.

  • SirNose586

    So if the JWs continue the liberalizing trend of demanding less, they will lose their distinctiveness. If the Society reverses the liberalizing trend and demands more, they get more commitment.

    It works out differently than I first assumed. Those papers do lay out a strong case, I must say.

  • besty

    this Time Magazine article from 2001 discusses the growth of super-churches,9171,157592,00.html

    I love the following cautionary note from an embattled hierarchy who was despairing of the super-church autonomy:

    Lyle Schaller of the Yokefellow Institute in Richmond, Ind., who counsels congregations, notes that a superchurch is guaranteed future trouble if it is built largely around a single star preacher, who will be leaving someday.

    Not a hint of irony. LOL. Jesus anyone? :-)

  • mindmelda

    Interesting article, it became the subject of my blog a few days ago.

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