That really sucks! Not much of a "Paradise" for me, being a eunich for all eternity! They dont "marry" or do anything. Do they need to eat? Are they like angels? How many men will be pissed off at Jehovah waking up without a wang? This will no doubt start the 1,000 year rebellion, when millions of brothers fed up with frustration of not having a "manhood" join Satans forces! No doubt the Devil will offer them a "replacement" and hot chicks covered in baby oil.........sorry just my theological biblical viewpoint.
Witnesses claim Ressurected folks have no genitals? This will start the 1,000 year rebellion!
by Witness 007 41 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Mark 12:25 When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in the heaven.
If I remember correctly, they base the idea that resurected people wont marry, and then logicaly not have sex.
Psychotic Parrot
Most j-dubs alive today might as well have no genitals.
Witness 007 - I challenge you to show us one quote where the WTS has ever said any such thing !!
That would make for a heck of a two class society: asexuals and the sexuals. Like there would be no conflicts, no envy. They would likely live in completely separate areas, have completely different types of societies. If that isn't a recipe for war, what is?
Witness 007
Blue Brother surely if as the Watchtower says they WON'T be having sex Jehovah will re-create them without the desire for it.
Lady Lee
ahem gentials have more than one purpose.
I heard this as a JW and I thought it was pretty stupid. It would be pretty easy to just turn off the internal switch that makes people want sex rather than doing away with the physiology
I never heard of the "no genital" belief until I came to this board. The JWs in my hall said people would lose their desire for sex once the earth was comfortably filled. I don't know if the society actually came out and said that though.
Witness 007
So we are talking hormone changes.....maybe removal of the Prostate gland...right?
Witness 007
Mentally how would someone feel to see his wife with another man and his sexual desire has been removed.....wierd!