just one of those days

by homeschool 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Hi homeschool, in the absence of hard copies, you may find this website helpful:


    If hubby is worried about it not being a good site, there is a statement of authenticity here (even with an admission that some of it is old light!):


  • homeschool

    Thank you! I've also just gone to ebay and see lots and lots of options. Now I've just gotta do the research and figure out which books I actually need to order. Thanks again!

  • homeschool

    Just as a side-note....I've recently picked up the green book (Jehoobah's Witnesses, Proclaimers of God's Kingdom) at the request of a jw family member. I am shocked as to how lightly they play certain issues, such as 1914 & 75. I'm only a little bit through it, but jeez louise its kinda makin me wanna puke

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