palmtree67-I am so sorry that happened to you and glad that you are no longer with him!
I wish you happiness.
by BonaFide 38 Replies latest jw friends
palmtree67-I am so sorry that happened to you and glad that you are no longer with him!
I wish you happiness.
I can think of two. In the first case a brother traveled across several states to marry a girl 15 years younger. It a real mismatch too. But they stay together for "Jehovah" though she nearly committed adultery a few years back.
The second is a young brother who married a girl who was two years OLDER than his mother. We would often joke that he didn't want a wife but a Mom. At the time he was 21.
Not to move off topic but I suspect that some of these bizarre marriages are motivated by a lack of suitable male mates. I know that sisters outnumber brothers but does anyone know the ratio of sisters to brothers in the congregations?
Here's another:
Two couples in my old Hall when I was growing up were great friends. Well, when they were all in their 50's, the husband of one sister died. Then shortly after, the wife of the other brother died. You know the result, they married each other.
The problem was the congregation. Everyone took sides on what would happen in the resurrection when the resurrected mates saw what the two surviving ones had done. Especially since ALL of their families were Witnesses.
The one unusual marraige that i can remember was when we attended a hall in Virginia.
He was in his late 20's and she was in her middle 50's.
But the part that was really strange to me was that he was gorgeous.
And by gorgeous i mean excessivly handsome with a chippindale body. Oh yeah, he also played guitar and had a beautiful singing voice. (I can still close my eyes and see him stripped down to the waist with a broad chest, bronze skin, playing the guitar and singing a love song..... sigh, I was thirteen at the time, I guess thats when I started noticing boys.)
They were both very nice warm down to earth people, she looked like your average ex-hippy momma.
exactly Villabolo, the lack of suitable mates makes for some very odd couples.
While this isn't an unusual marriage today, at one time a "mixed" marriage was a big deal, even in the congregation.
At one time, even in Jah's grand organization, mixed marriages were not recommended. They pointed out that it might cause problems in the certain areas and since marriage was hard enough already, why make it harder?
Even as a child, I thought that argument was lame. If all are equal in God's eye what difference does it make what color your skin is? So for the brothers to recommend against mixed marriages seemed to not be keeping in line with the scriptures.
But a couple from up North moved in. He was black, she was white. It caused quite a stir, even in our supposed integrated congregation. I came to know them as I grew up and enjoyed their company very much. I see them from time to time even now and wonder why people had to make such a big deal out of it way back when.
Over time I've realized that the Society was all about protecting its reputation instead of protecting the rights and freedoms of their followers.
i had a 55 year old gilf aske me if i was interested in marrying her....and she said she was hoping i kept in mind that in paradise we would soon be the same age....i pioneed with this poor lonely sister....i was 19 and had the hots for her daughter.....weird
i had a close friend 50 and a horndog like me.....he married a babe 30 and he was very very happy until his dyin days...that was not that unusual...i just wanted to mention how happy he was (she was too)..............oompa
Ok not to brag, but I can top the stories so far. It true it happened in my own family.
This happened in the late 40's. My grandpa was married to grandma (obviously). great grandma on grandma's side lived with them so they could take care of her. Well grandma died. so that left just grandpa and great grandma, (his mother in law). So grandpa figured out in his head that the only way a good christian man w/o making jehovah look bad, could take care of his mother in law while living in the same house was to marry her. So grandpa married his mother in law.
When I found that out, I told my hubby that means that if I die he would have to marry my mom. He said that he would jump into the grave after me before he would marry my mom.
Did I mention that grandpa was secretly a cross dresser after both women died?!?!
Loosie, some of those old time connections are just too much!
In my Kh and elders's daughter was married at age 15 to a 20 year old. They left the hall, and started life over in another KH. I think it worked out, but my god, FIFTEEN?
We had so many weird people in our KH. There was a family that was very poor with 5 children. They lived across the street from an elder.
The poor family's mother had married a black man, who finally left. The 5 kids were left with her in an absolute hell hole of a house. The elder across the street had a 2 story...kick ass home at the time.
The older girls as they hit their late teens were desperate to marry anyone. They were always weird and kind of gross. The son wound up being gay and died a few years ago.
There were so many weird families, its hard to think about it now. We had marriages where there were wife beatings....many of them~
One marriage, the wife took off and disappeared completely.....she was young and one ever knew where she went.
What a legacy.