Darek Barefoot, author of the book "Jehovah's Witnesses and the hour of darkness" will be one of our quests on the six screens conference call on Saturday June 6,2009 at 7 p.m.EST. Darek Barefoot, a former Jehovah's Witness was ostracized from the Organization for trying to expose the truth about the occultic influence in the Watchtower Organization. His book documents the existence of disguised, or "subliminal"images in Watchtower illustrations, and further demonstrated that these images were occultic, being drawn from witchcraft and demonology. Adding evidence and supporting Barefoot's claim will be award winning photographer and image analyzer Normand Lareau. It's easy to get on the call. No computer is necessary . Just dial (712)432-8710 and when asked for pin use 9925. There is no charge for the call, only your normal calling rate applies. The phone lines open at 6:30 p.m.EST for our pre-show where you can meet new friends and talk with all of those who have been "touched by the tentacles of the Watchtower" Our program begins at 7 p.m.EST. http://sixscreensofthewatchtower.com/3subliminalimages.html
Author of the book "J.W.s and the hour of darkness" Darek Barefoot speaks up on the conference call concerning subliminal images in the Watchtower lit.
by koolaid-man 53 Replies latest jw friends
Beta Male
What's next? Having someone named "raven" talk about satanic ritual abuse by the GB? No, wait. NEVER MIND.
There are not subliminal images in the Watchtower. Jehovah's Witnesses are bad enough without the need for a conspiracy theory. Attacks like this weaken the reasoned opposition to the truth value of Jehovah's Witness theism. This just gives JW's a reason to "dismiss" without further consideration those who disagree.
kool-aid man: Do you make no differentiation between sensational, fake stories, and those that might actually be legitimate? We have enough DIRT on the WTS and GB to not employ dumb stories about subliminal messages in the magazines.
You're a perfect example for JWs to use as the "raving mad apostate." Thanks for devaluing everything we try to do with your dumbass conference calls.
Wasanelder Once
With a name like "Barefoot" its got to be good! W.Once
compound complex
To whom it may concern:
Read the book before commenting on this issue. If you already have, then offer up a rebuttal wherein you find DB to be incorrect in his findings. You, likewise, might be interested to discover what measures were taken by the Society against Mr. Barefoot and his family.
Thank you, KAM, for putting this up.
I've been a student of myth for sometime and also psychology. I do think there's some interesting iconography that the WTS uses. I don't know how much of a conspiracy it is, not having any personal knowledge, but I have detected some really disturbing psychological manipulation in pictures the Watchtower uses.
Also, CT Russell had some very obvious interest in astrology, Masonic imagery (some even believe he may have been a Mason...not to hard to imagine) and Egyptology, pyramidology, and other arcane topics.
I don't find them any more scary than what is on the United States dollar bill, but yes, it would be damaging to the WTS if their affinity for certain mystical iconography and psychologically manipulative images was revealed to have a less than biblical source. I can only imagine their fear and consternation if came out to the general public.
utterly ridiculous.
Read the book before commenting on this issue. If you already have, then offer up a rebuttal wherein you find DB to be incorrect in his findings. You, likewise, might be interested to discover what measures were taken by the Society against Mr. Barefoot and his family.
With all due respect, I don't have to read the book before commenting about subliminal messages in the Watchtower and Awake magazines. i just have to read the following posted on "kool-aid man's" website:
...Darek Barefoot (a former
Jehovah's Witness) was the forerunner in concluding that
occultism was being secretly promoted within
Watchtower publications through subliminal images
placed within the artwork.....So it's not art department bethelites looking to sabotage the WTS, but actual promotion of occultism? Wow.
...."In analyzing illustrations I had learned to pay attention to
patterns of lines that looked unnatural, that seemed to interrupt the logical shape or
visual texture of the object being represented....Wrinkles in any garment, especially one
made of bulky material, lie parallel or at acute angles and do not intersect one another
in crisp corners."....Sounds like an ironclad method of analysis.
...."At first glance the illustrations I
examined appeared to be quite normal, but after closer examination, it becomes
apparent that there are many images and symbols integrated into the scenes"....I'm going to show you a picture. What you will see is a face.
If you look closely, you will see a face. In fact, after I've given you the suggestion, it's nearly impossible to NOT see a face.
Way to undermine the work of real issues with stupidity. Congrats on being a jack-ass!