daniel p wrote:
"This also goes to show that Kool-aid man is ONLY looking for sensational stories. Last time it was "ritual satanic abuse," now it's "subliminal messages" in artwork used decades ago. What about blood? What about mind control? What about child abuse? What about disfellowshipping?
As an avid listener to Rick's calls, I've heard all kinds of great information and have met some great people on there. In fact, he has spoken of many important issues, ones in which you mention. How many times have YOU actually listened in on a call? I admit I'm halfers on the subliminal images issue, though some are compelling, but nevertheless if you don't agree then that's YOUR deal. The fact remains that even though some of Rick's conference call topics have been considered controversial, there have been many others that are dead on and informative. The reality is that he's doing a great service and allowing people (including active JW's) to voice their concerns/opinions. He's very fair on the calls and gives everyone a chance to voice their opinion. If you don't like what he's doing, then move on and do your own thing. BTW, what are YOU doing for the JW community? Maybe we can tear down your "outreach" to them? Nah jk