Should be getting near the time we find out about the number of partakers. My guess is that it has to be over the 2008 number. If it was less than 2008 number I am sure we would have had it announced in a KM or something. Eagerly awaiting!!
Number of memorial partakers given in July 2009 KM
by Mickey mouse 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
God doesnt like the french.
DEAR brothers in the USA and CANADA:
due to the rising cost of ink we can no longer print the memorial partaker figures
>> My guess is that it has to be over the 2008 number
Seriously. It will be whatever the GB decides is best for the WT$. Nothing more. Nothing less.
they do not count all the partakers anyway.
I know several interested people who went to the KH and partook because it was what they believe and the WTBTS refused to count them and the elders "counseled" them that they were not really of the anointed. I thought it was funny how they tried to explain how they could know better than the Holy Spirit who was anointed and who wasn't.
babel on
My father served as an elder and told me recently that when counting the partakers, only baptised publishers in good standing were to be counted! On the other hand those in attendance were all counted if they had the breath of life in them!
In France .. 208 350 personssays keinlezard
If that was 2009 Memorial attenders, 2008 showed 207,901 Memorial attenders, only an increase of 449, therefore only an increase of .2%
In the Aug. 2009 KM, it shows the Memorial Attendance of the U.S. on page 8. I have never seen a list of "partakers" per country, only the Memorial attendance per country. Then, on the annual Service Year Report it only shows the "total" partakers worldwide, not by country. 2008 report showed 9,986 partakers.
Scan of Aug. 2009 KM:
wha happened?
it's gotta be over 10k and an embarressment at best
Is there a reason the number seems to be climbing each year,and will this continue ?
Anything that shows up the falsity of their doctrines has to be good, but can we expect this trend to continue ?