certainly make it difficult for aposta-collation efforts - but - inferences could be drawn from the USA and the other countries the religion has been longest established in - add in some Lagos numbers and you'd soon get to over 10,000 official....
Number of memorial partakers given in July 2009 KM
by Mickey mouse 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
yadda yadda 2
I'm confused. Are you saying the July KM gives the number of memorial partakers for the current memorial just gone, this service year?
If so, can someone please get these figures for the US and compare the figures for last year please.
I thought we had to wait until January or February next year for the figures.
yadda yadda 2
I don't know the number of partakers for the U.S. I was present at the San Diego International Assembly this past weekend and they mentioned 2,469,633 people attended the Memorial in the U.S. That is 50,000 more people, or 2.1% increase over last year and a new peak.
yadda yadda 2
Thanks Joker10 but were talking about memorial partakers of the emblems, not mere attenders (onlookers).
oh i know. i decided to throw those numbers in anyway.
there are no partakers In France .. 208 350 persons
9175 pionneers and 53 283 bible study
keinlezard welcome.
I suppose you mean the number of partakers was not mentioned.
If there is any positive (!) indication that "there are no partakers in France" I would very much like to see a scan of the original document... because that's pretty unbelievable.
Doubting Bro
There is no mention of either memorial attenders or partakers in the US version of the July KM. I have it in front of me right now and the "highlights" talk about an increase in bible studies (probably just family studies) and that Turks & Caicos had peaks - no real numbers.
I do remember they announced the number of memorial attenders for the US and I want to say it was a letter read at the service meeting. It all just runs together.
Why would they publish UK numbers and not US numbers?? We all know that the only "real" annointed are Americans
There is no mention of either memorial attenders or partakers in the US version of the July KM DITTO FOR CANADA