Update from Open Mind.

by Open mind 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Hello everyone,

    I don't get much chance to post on JWD, err, JWN anymore thanks to a major tightening of web policies where I work.

    This place was a lifesaver for me. I owe Simon and the heavy-lifter posters of yore an enormous debt.

    Anyway, before I get all verklempt, here's a quick update, for anyone who's interested, on what's happening in my world.

    My wife and I had a fairly intense confrontation a few months ago re: the kids. I was me being a semi-corrosive influence on their "spirituality". I listened. Reassured her of my love for her and the kids. And backed off. The last few months she's been taking pot shots at the Org on her own and I just play the role of sounding board. She's doing pretty well on her own. Our a**hole Circuit Overseer has truly been a blessing as well. Thank you, thank you, Jehovah for this "gift in men".

    My oldest child is 98% free of the mental clutches of JWism. He/she is toying with the idea of baptism for family/social reasons. He/she is fully aware of the pros and cons and will be making a purely non-superstitious decision.

    Another teen is having a relatively guilt-free time, but I worry sometimes about how much of the JW mind-f*ing might actually be getting through. I'm not too concerned though.

    My gay, long-time DFed brother and I have a great relationship and I'll be seeing him again soon. My wife is aware of our relationship, but isn't yet ready to hang out when he comes for a visit. My oldest would REALLY like to hang out with him, but we're being patient for my wife's sake.

    Oh yeah, one last thing for the boys in Brooklyn, err, Patterson....

    I'm still a frikkin' elder.

    For social reasons, of course.

    All the best to the oldies and the newbies here at JWN.

    Thanks for everything,


  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    OM! Really good to hear from you! Sounds like your wife is slowly "seeing the light". Hope it continues.

  • Fatfreek

    I'm still a frikkin' elder.

    As I read your riveting account I was finally blown away by that statement. I have nothing but the most admiration and respect for your courage to work from the inside. As you well know, you and other inside workers are one of the Society's worst nightmares. They can keep the sheeples away from the lot of me but not from you.

    Your being a good sounding board for your spouse doesn't hurt.


  • Sunspot

    I cannot imagine how rough it must be to know what we know and still have to put on the pretense that you have to in order to keep peace in your home. Being an elder does afford you the opportunity of reading the correspondence from the "chosen" ones and to see first hand all the hogwash they plan to be foisting upon their unsuspecting and loyal followers. This way you can have time to think about what you can present to your family to have the most impact on them and to assist them even further away from the clutches of this fraudulent cult. I wish you all the best as you carefully and wisely plan your escape.



  • flipper

    OPEN MIND- I'm glad to hear your daughters are being gradually influenced to see the witnesses are a crock of $hit. And it sounds like your wife is slowly coming around if she's being " critical " of the C.O. Good news ! Of course little does she realize that fanatic JW's might look at her as leaning towards apostasy ( according to the witness only April 15th WT ) if she says anything negative about anybody in the kingdom hall. I admire you for your courage - just be careful you undercover spy you - don't blow your cover ! And please KEEP us INFORMED on what's going on with the latest in the org ! Good to hear from you

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    flipper said:

    "little does she realize that fanatic JW's might look at her as leaning towards apostasy"

    It's been interesting to watch how my wife has gone from complete terror & revulsion at the "A" word, to listening, to realizing that "technically" she is an apostate herself! (strictly speaking)

    It is thrilling/scary to see her gradual awakening.

    Scary because when she finally realizes that this life is all there is, she might dump my sorry butt to the curb! Guess I better start hitting the gym a little more often.

    Her latest awakening statement was: "If everlasting life is going to be strictly the way the Watchtower says, I don't think death is so bad after all."

    Baby steps. Baby steps.


  • BonaFide

    Wow, Open Mind, good on you. I am not currently serving as an elder, I may serve again I am not sure. But I am in for family and friends, at least for now. But I am gaining strength away from the Organization.

    I wish I could accomplish more in getting them to realize the real truth.

    If you have time, let us know some of your comments to your family, or your methods to get them to think.



  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Thanx for the update OM.

    I seem to recall a thread long ago in which you mentioned that you continued as an elder. If I recall, those comments drew a lot of fire and name calling. I might be having poor memory on the matter - I do recall that incident here, but it might not have been you.

    I am so happy to hear that your 'inside fade' might result in positive long-term results with your wife and kids. Once that is done - do you step out of the organization? Or is your way of life inside so entrenched that you will remain a Jw in name? I ask because, no matter the costs, I simply cannot envision myself doing that. Some would decry it as hypocricy - that is not my reason - I just cannot imagine 'wasting' the resource of life with those sheeple for more than a relatively short stay once I knew the 'truth about the troof'.

    Good luck, nonetheless. I hope your wife sees the light as a result. Looks like the kids will be finding ways to leave on their own. I hope your one son does not get dunked though. He retains a higher percentage of retention of some Jw friendships later in life if he never gets baptised. Well, just my thoughts on that. If he walks away as a young man, he won't seek Jw friendships outside the family in later life I suppose either way. But if he stays 'in' for some time this might be a problem later. Just my opinion.

    Peace to you bro.


  • OnTheWayOut

    I won't comment on your decisions to do as you do, but please please please encourage the oldest one to avoid baptism.
    It will turn out that the path of least resistance now will not be the path of least resistance later.

    Never being baptized has some bumps in the road, but gives more freedoms. Why take a chance that family will have to shun you when you DA or DF? Better to let family be disappointed now than strain their loyalty to WTS later.

    I am glad you see progress with the wife, but I see little ground gained with the kids in this path.

    I know you and I never saw these things the same way. I just thought you should see an outside point of view on realities.

    You and your wife are already baptized, same with many family members. That is a major difference between you and your kids, so you might be looking at this from the wrong point of view. Why not discourage it for the kids? If it's a dangerous mind-control cult, they should be more free of it than that. Just my opinion.

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    Don't let your oldest child get baptized. How confused are your children? Do you know?

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