Few of my threads get to 3 pages of responses and I suspect that I am the one who pushes it by responding to everyone. who posts.
But I know people read my posts.
There have certainly been times when I needed the support and got it. But those times are fewer now.
Sometimes I feel like I am repeating myself and I probably am. But I think we all need to hear the message of recovery over and over to fade the WTS-induced messages of fear and death. So I will go on repeating myself, rephrasing my words, copying and pasting older posts.
I am here for one reason - to help others.
Many of you have responded to that help either in the topics or by PM. That encourages me to stay. When I see people refer to my posts or my old threads that encourages me to stay.
Thank you for letting me know I am valued.
We all need that especially after years of being devalued as individuals in the WTS.