I want to thank you

by Lady Lee 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Few of my threads get to 3 pages of responses and I suspect that I am the one who pushes it by responding to everyone. who posts.

    But I know people read my posts.

    There have certainly been times when I needed the support and got it. But those times are fewer now.

    Sometimes I feel like I am repeating myself and I probably am. But I think we all need to hear the message of recovery over and over to fade the WTS-induced messages of fear and death. So I will go on repeating myself, rephrasing my words, copying and pasting older posts.

    I am here for one reason - to help others.

    Many of you have responded to that help either in the topics or by PM. That encourages me to stay. When I see people refer to my posts or my old threads that encourages me to stay.

    Thank you for letting me know I am valued.

    We all need that especially after years of being devalued as individuals in the WTS.

  • mrsjones5

    Right back at ya Lady


  • flipper

    LADY LEE- Good points you make in your thread here. I am here for the same reasons and motives you listed as well. I want to assist others to see how to think freely without mind control and see how to move on in their lives post-JW experience. Very true that we all were not valued at all inside the witness cult. It's amazing the education process we go through after being out awhile. We appreciate your takes and help to others - everybody is valuable on this board - we learn from everyone

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    you are our Queen! And long live King Simon!



  • Hope4Others

    Your posts do help many. There are always new ones searching for help, so nothing is really old.

    Thanks for all your work and thoughts they do help many under going so much in their lives. It helps

    them to understand the feelings they may go through themselves by relating to others circumstances.


  • mouthy

    Dear DEar Lee!!! Of course your posts are needed
    I think the LORd made those fingers & hands on you
    for a purpose.... As a JW you did the sign language
    because you though it was serving GOD.
    When you were taught by Holy Spirit,WRONG!!!!!
    you then used the fingers to teach truth!!! & helped
    others ...Keep it up girl

  • quietlyleaving

    Lady Lee your posts have helped me a lot - thanks


  • BabaYaga

    Yes you are needed!

    Yes you are appreciated...

    Yes you are valued

    Yes you are loved

    Yes, please continue to do what you do!


  • insearchoftruth

    Lady Lee, I find a lot of value in the posts you have here, so well thought out and very informative. If I see your name as a response to a thread, if something I am interested in, I will click and read what you have to say...thanks and please keep it up!!!

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