As a fellow mod - Let me tell you I appreciate what you do here in terms of helping others to deal successfully with years of spiritual abuse. Also your hard work in maintaining 'Best Of', and moderation of the board in general, is so valuable in terms of maintaining a quality 'landing zone' for those willing and able to fly out of the combat zone.
My visits here are decreasing in length, though not perhaps in frequency. I am weaning myself away from things Jw-related. I share your passion for aiding others who are caught in the mind-trap called Jehovah's Witnesses, though I do it with far less compassion generally than you. You have an ability to deal with issues that sometimes escapes me on first blush.
I look forward to the day we get to meet in real life and talk face to face [If wifey and I can ever find a way to get away from the grandkids LOL]
Keep up the good work. You are appreciated so much.