I commented about apostates today at the meeting

by cognac 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • dorayakii

    The December 15, 2008 Watchtower on page 28 states: “Our coming to know “the truth” – the entire body of Christian teachings that has become part of the Bible – and adhering to it are essential for salvation.”

    WOW it actually says that? That's a pretty audacious statement even for the Watchtower.

    I agree with the stance that you don't necessarily have to vocally denounce Watchtower teachings in order to be classed as an apostate in their eyes. Merely holding fast to a contrary opinion is enough to condemn you in their eyes but of course, if you don't vocalise your difference of opinion they'll never find out. However, your disagreement will eventually come out if it is serious enough, whether through your comments or your general attitude toward the leadership.

    You have to remember that for the Watchtower apostacy starts "in the heart" and goes much deeper than just stating your difference of opinion. They may not be encouraged to "go on a witchhunt inquiring into personal beliefs" but it doesn't mean they don't behave like thought-police in some respects. A "witchhunt" would waste elders' time, would upset the "spirit" of the congregation andwould paint the elders in an abviously draconian light.

  • DaCheech

    i smell reniaa ass kicking

    "out of contect".... how many times does the wt take other pubs out of contect (example evolution book)?

  • diamondiiz

    I claim Watch Tower is an apostate religion! Led by sons of destruction! From the start they bound up people with lies and they continue to do so. When was this religion appointed to be true by God? When? It hasn't other than by the words of the leaders who were corrupt from the start. Did God use Russell with his dates and pyramid scheme? What about Rutherford? Did Franz maybe have guidence by God's spirit which let him to assume that 1975 was a special year? Besides the leaders who are blood guilty claiming to be God's chosen where have we seen any acts of God's holy spirit on this religion? I'm not saying that other religions are better but speaking of WT I want to know when did this religion become the truth?

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