it is religion that only takes and doesn't give,,other religions in third-world countries often create schools and hospital clinics but JWs won't do that (won't even encourage its youth to go to college even to become teachers, doctors, nurses).
If they are to survive, they are going to have to learn to provide things to society rather than Watchtowers, Awakes and other 'bible based publications'.......Jesus spoke of feeding the hungry, clothing the poor, why can't they emulate this 'greatest man who ever lived'.
Jesus did not walk around in a suit, he did not care how the folks he associated with dressed, why does the organization who is just like the early church care about these things.
I am not an expert at anything considered JW, but the moves they are making lately are all about money, paperback books, shortening of meeting times (the KH does not need to be open and heated as much), selling buildings in Brooklyn and moving to upstate NY, laying off of Bethelites, moving printing operations for some things to Canada and other European countries.
I would not be surprised to see the JW only publications available for printing online (heck, this site already has a lot of them available in pdf), this would reduce the printing burden and a pretty significant cost. They will need to provide greater pressure on the rank and file to donate to the 'worldwide work', but they need a disaster to help. The sister my wife is studying with is using the issue where more and more states are approving gay marriage or civil unions as a rallying cry because she knows my wife's stance on homosexuality....