And does it seem like it is getting harder to keep in with each and every day?
Is there a part of you eating away from the inside wishing you could show the world who you are and what you found out?
by StoneWall 19 Replies latest jw friends
Not really...I have found that most people won't believe you anyway and have to come to the realization themselves. I had many clues over 10 years before I finally decided to leave for good.
Yes, there is. It's difficult to have such vital information and not be able to share it with others (who will listen and receive). I agree with Blondie, most people have to learn this for themselves.
It is killing me holding stuff in. However, just like a big overblown balloon, I simply let a little air out now and then by dropping bits of information in a non-critical way so that I don't pop.
Gave up a while ago with my wife. She gets defensive & more or less
puts her fingers in her ears & shouts la-la-la-la-la like a child. Either that or she tells me I'm attacking her.
People have to work things out for themselves.
The only people I will be pro-active with now is my kids so as to save them from the guilt complex that
inevitably comes from growing up in the org.
I was until I made my youtube series. I would highly suggest creating one for your own therapy, you can even remain anonymous! :)
Yes, especially when folks are talking about what they learned at the meetings or what Jehovah is going to do. Anyway, I show people by living a fullfilling life outside of the org and letting them be whoever they want to be. Funny thing is, they are always quick to tell me that I'm not really happy and that I'm just pretending so I don't have to be a JW.
I went through that a few times. Part of the motivation for converting others to what we currently believe, is the positive reinforcement that it gives our current belief. In other words, there is a small, niggling doubt within our current belief. That's not to say that there isn't truth in our current belief. There might be. Once deepest truths are arrived at, one is content, almost smug. No need to convert or save others. One can sit there w a smile on ones face and watch w amuzement the world rushes by, all going higgelty, piggelty on their important missions.
Yep. That's why I did my project last year. I found it to be very therapeutic. Not only that but the feedback I've gotten on it helped make me feel that it was well worth it. I know it's helped at least 6 people out of that damn religion.
When I get the time and some $$$, I plan on making A LOT of copies of the section I did on blood and send it out to all the hospital administrators, explaining that it might be a valuable tool to the doctors when they're dealing with Jehovah's Witnesses and the transfusion issue. That way, when the Hospital Liaison Committee shows up armed to the teeth with their literature, at least the doctors would have something that they could show to the patient in question so that they can see how dishonest the Borg has been on the blood issue.