Hey Josie: That is a fantastic piece of work for an 11 year old. I remember when I still went to the Hall and one of my best friends' 4 year old son drew a picture of their house. Not only did he draw each picket on the fence but he put the shading in where it should be. He was also an extremely gifted story teller and by the age of 7 or 8 had started working on a story about dinasaurs which was really quite impressive. He really was talented and I encourage Betts to enroll him in Enrichment Classes to further develop his talents. She did but then the elders got on her ass for trying to "promote" her son as being anything special. Jerkoffs. The poor kid is now a pioneer building dumb ass KH's in Mexico I think.
So whatever you do, encourage your daughter to continue on in her writings. She might just be the next J.K. Rowling.