that is a good one.....the "whore" in action
Austrian Branch Participating in Interfaith Discussion
by GermanXJW 33 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Apostates need to get a grip. There is a difference between interfaith activity and simply representing your interests to the state. What a fuss about nothing.
This flies in the face of a QFR where it was asked why JWs don't seek a common ground with other religions. (70s)
The answer was there can be "No common ground between the light and the darkness."
Since the WT teaches that worldy Austrian society is to be dissolved in the Great Tribulation, why are they working along with other religions to increase the cohesion of Austrian Society?
I have to agree with German XJW and differ from those who say that
" we have to respect laws of governments biblically" , or that it is no big deal.
A Google translate of the article said that it was an invitation to discuss cohesion in Society and encourage tolerance , apparently following some divisive political statements.
It does not seem to be a command to attend. I see it as interfaith...a meeting with both "Bab the Great" and the "Satan's Government" at the same table.
I know that they do this sort of thing. We have seen it before on this board. If the rank and file knew it would shock them !
This was a political topic, nothing legal. There was no reason for them to be there for them except one: they were recently (May 7th, 2009) recognized as an official church in Austria, a status they had been fighting for since 1978. Now they also have to play the game.
OldHippie states:
What's the big deal? For years, they have participated in discussions and seminars on WWII, religious persecutions today etc., be it orchestrated by institutions, governments or UN. It is simply a way of presenting themselves, showing who they are, and clearing up misunderstandings - and thus pave the way for understanding and avoidance of presecution or misconceptions. They are registered at the governments, they receive funding in some European countries, they are tax exempt etc. - so should they stay completely outside society and risk constant harassment? In my work, I have contact with clergy and with government officials - that is not the moment of witnessing, even if topics are discussed which relate to my faith, it is business meetings and organizational procedures. The Austrian branch is not interested in being presecuted, and like Paul uses all the channels they feel they can, to make themselves heard and seen in the picture. I don't the Austrian branch official tried to hide himself more than did some of the others in the picture, he was just placed in the rear.
Big attempt at making fuzz over nothinWhat happened to "No part of the world"? It has been some time since I left.
But be assured: you are not persecuted in Europe if you are not a public corporation status or do not join political discussions.
Can anyone please copy §14 of Watchtower June1st, 1991 p. 13 about the spiritual drunkards? I only have the German CD at hand. Thanks.
*** w91 6/1 p. 13 par. 14 The Spiritual Drunkards—Who Are They? ***
Like Samaria and Jerusalem, Christendom has drunk deep of the wine of political alliances. In 1919 she was among the foremost promoters of the League of Nations. While Jesus said that Christians would be no part of the world, Christendom’s leaders cultivate relationships with political leaders. (John 17:14-16) The symbolic wine of such activity is stimulating to the clergy. (Compare Revelation 17:4.) They enjoy being consulted by politicians and associating with the great ones of this world. As a result, they have no true spiritual guidance to give. They vomit out uncleanness rather than speaking the pure message of truth. (Zephaniah 3:9) With their vision blurred and confused, they are no safe guides for mankind.—Matthew 15:14. -
Since when does the Governing Body want "a solidly united and integrated society" other than the one where they are the world rulers?
And Reniaa, surely Jehovah will establish the work in his own time. Does the Governing Body need to send representative to kiss the ring of worldly rulers? Surely the Governing Body's 21st Century stance in their publications is very different from the 1st C model whereby rulers were appealed to. Doesn't the Society teach that the rulers are of Satan and that the Governing Body is going to crush them and rule in their stead? Where's the consistency?
Do Jehovah's Witnesses no longer trust that Christ is above all of these earthly authorities and that he can make them do whatever he needs them to do? Why lobby/represent/discuss or petition anything with these worldly leaders when you worship the God that is about to bring all of them to the valley of Meggido?
Either they trust that he is in control or they admit that they are actually working under their own strength.