Yes, since when do they emphasize the things in common with other religions to overcome the dividing things?
Thanks to blondie for the quote.
by GermanXJW 33 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Yes, since when do they emphasize the things in common with other religions to overcome the dividing things?
Thanks to blondie for the quote.
I think one of the most damning aspects of this is that the WTS forbids their rank and file members from even becoming members of the YMCA, because they believe it promotes interfaith. So, even though the rank and file Jehovah's Witness is not actively promoting interfaith in his association with the YMCA, because "Membership means that one has become an integral part of this organization founded with definite religious objectives, including the promotion of interfaith. Hence, for one of Jehovah’s Witnesses to become a member of such a so-called “Christian” association would amount to apostasy."
Here are some other WT quotes involving interfaith.
Could it be said, that according to their requirements set out for rank and file members, the WTS has committed apostasy against itself by their mere participation, and therefore implied agreement with, an interfaith movement with these other religious organizations?
*** w93 7/1 p. 16 par. 17 Christians and Human Society Today ***
Two other complaints made against Jehovah’s Witnesses are that they refuse to take part in the ecumenical movement and that they engage in what is termed “aggressive proselytizing.” Both of these reproaches were also flung at the early Christians. Christendom, with her Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant components, is undeniably a part of this world. Like Jesus, Jehovah’s Witnesses “are no part of the world.”(John 17:14) How could they ally themselves through interfaith movements with religious organizations that promote unchristian conduct and beliefs?
*** w53 12/15 p. 744 Should the Religions Unite?***
Associating with false doctrine is forbidden, and the Christian principle narrows down to the four-word summary: TRUE FAITH, NOT INTERFAITH!
*** w57 9/1 p. 532 par. 5 Happy Those Who Refuse to Compromise ***
Therefore today, even though the word “interfaith” is not in the Bible, true Christians are found following Christian principles and are not in the interfaith movements, ministerial alliances or compromising church councils. We will not take any part in the conglomeration of divided false religions now so popular in this world
If its no big deal, will we see mention of it in the Awake! or the Kingdom Ministry? Will they even mention it on their PR website?
If its so innocent, why are the R&F continually kept in the dark?
No Apologies
Relax, he was only there to collect a library card.