
by Billygoat 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • COMF

    On the matter of male good looks, I've had it proven to me several times that I'm no judge of them. There's no physical attraction there, so I take a detached view; but invariably the guys I assume are probably attractive turn out to be dog-ugly to women, and the ones I think are disgusting are the hunks.

    Case in point: I had told a girlfriend on more than one occasion, in the course of various conversations, "I'm no judge of male good looks." Then one day she and her two teenage daughters were talking about Billy Ray Cyrus, and I commented, "I don't get it. That guy is just downright ugly." There was a long, pregnant pause, and then my girlfriend said, "Fred, you're right... you really don't know anything about male good looks."


  • wonderwoman77

    Interesting questions. I however have had a man tell me that I was beautiful and no one looked at him funny. As for the white thing, I think anyone can be proud of their hertiage, but for any white person, your hertiage is not being white...that is not even a technical race or ethnicity, just like black is not really a race or ethnicity. You should be proud of you ancestory, everyone should be and I do not think that is looked down upon. It is looked down upon when any person looks down upon other people that are not the same as them...

  • waiting
    I however have had a man tell me that I was beautiful and no one looked at him funny - wonderwoman

    Being a woman - and a man telling you that - was probably why no one looked at him funny.

    Now, if you were with a man, and another man came up and told the man standing beside you that he was beautiful.....someone might have looked at him funny.

    Just one of those human oddities, I guess.


  • yrs2long

    I thnk joelbear hit it on the head:

    The dominant culture has no need to express pride in its culture because everything in society screams its pride; the media, arts, history and education all proclaim and glorify white culture and accomplishments in America. Other cultures seek to reestablish or exclaim their own pride amidst the dominant culture.

    THIS IS MY OPINION of course.

    edited to sound less offensive

  • Billygoat


    Then one day she and her two teenage daughters were talking about Billy Ray Cyrus, and I commented, "I don't get it. That guy is just downright ugly."
    Sweetie, I see nothing wrong with your taste at all! Billy Ray Cyrus is downright ugly. Never understood his appeal at all!


  • Abaddon

    Sexual double standards are rife.

    I knew a pair of fraternal twins, boy and girl, both amasingly attractive with hair like Raven wings; he looked like Brad Pitt, but cheekier, she looked like my next girlfriend, but wasn't.


    Anyway, I never got them to do this, but imagine if the boy had gone up to the girls in a club, licked his lips slowly and said... "I wanna eat you", and the girl had done the same to the boys in the club.

    The boy, pretty as he was, would have got slapped far more than he would have got lucky. The girl probably wouldn't have to ask a second guy.

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • dubla


    as for the male/female recognizing same sex attractiveness.....its a homophobia thing for guys i think, plus women are just more attractive to look at, regardless if youre a man or a woman. women have beautiful bodies....and men are just, well, men. the majority of straight women (that ive known) can get turned on by focusing on the women in a many straight men do you think get excited focusing on a man in a porno? maybe thats a bad analogy, but thats just what came to mind. i think in general though, a womans beauty is much easier to recognize than a mans.


  • SixofNine
    The boy, pretty as he was, would have got slapped far more than he would have got lucky.

    Amen to that, Don-superior! I can't tell you how many times that very scenario has played out in my.... er....uhmmm.......

    I mean, nice observation Abaddon, and most likely true.

  • NeonMadman

    How about this double standard:

    If a Catholic husband leaves his wife because she's becoming a Jehovah's Witness, she's being persecuted.

    If a Jehovah's Witness wife leaves her husband because he's no longer able to conscientiously be part of the JW's, she's guarding her spirituality.

    "The truth was obscure, too profound and too pure; to live it you had to explode." ---Bob Dylan

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    I remember when I was a young US Marine, serving in Okinawa (Onna Point) and everyone used to watch adult films. What I still have never understood to this day is why the films aimed at entertaining males include other males?

    I thought the goal was to see naked women, right? So why all the hairy guys in every scene? I for one do NOT want to see another man's genitals. So, I figured out early on they were just masturbation tools and pervert tools.

    Now, I find that women are even more sexy with clothes on because it stirs my imagination. I would always rather be surrounded by women without a man in sight! I guess I would consider the amazons my friends!

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