Share: Where have you been shunned?
by mrsjones5 32 Replies latest jw experiences
Damnit, my finger slipped.
I'll start. A few years ago my parents invited some long time jw friends, a couple and their adult son - their daughters stayed with friends close by, up to stay with them while they attended a wedding nearby. The couple spoke to me, they've known me since I was 3 years old, but the son would not. He would speak to my brother but not me. Neither my brother or I are baptised jws.
That's what he said
naughty girl
Right after I was df'd, I was with my bf (now my hubby) at a restaurant. After we had started eatting about 20 (I'm not lying!) JW's came in and got a huge table. They recognized me and then you could hear the gasp and the wispering and then the hubby got so pissed off he took my hand and we left. He walked by their table and my hubby screamed out "you fine christians have a nice day!" You shoud've seen thier faces!!!
Another time at a resturant (damn, we eat out a lot! LOL) One of my closest friends was there with her hubby & daughter. The daughter started crying and you could here my old friend saying "It's okay, will get through this dinner and go home and go to bed and wake up and have a nice day tomorrow and we'll forget all about this". LOL
This one irritates me.
I was having coffee with a table full of my new "worldly" friends. In walks a couple of elders and their families. They walk over and pat my friend on the back (obviously thinking he would make a great NEW PROJECT) and didn't even say hello to me. They greeted all three of my friends. I had less worth than the salt shaker on the table. They made it abundantly clear how they felt.
My husband took me back to my home state for my b-day. We met my "worldly" aunt, uncle and adult cousins at a local coffee shop. When I was walking to the restroom I noticed a woman sitting alone in the back staring at me. I just nodded and smiled. She looked away. It didn't dawn on me that she was a dub until I was in the restroom. When I went back to our table up front she kept looking up and down, trying to stare at me without being seen doing it. I told everyone at our table, and my husband turned around and scowled at her and everyone else stared at her while speaking in hushed tones. A few minutes later she practically sprinted by our table and out the door. Everyone howled with laughter.
It's funny how shunning sometimes makes it harder on the shunner than the shunee.
My son was DF'd for smoking while only 17 years old. He was waiting tables at a restaurant and his cousin came in after a DC with a whole group of Dubs. They were seated in my son's area. When he went to wait on them, his cousin pretended not to know him.
My son went back in the kitchen and the manager had to send another waiter out to take care of his customers. My son went into the walk-in refrigerator and just sobbed. His manager called me to come get him.
My son changed that day and has never gone back to his old self. A girl who has known him his whole life said, "He's not my sweet little Smashley anymore." (a nickname for him)
Shunning children should be illegal.
St. Ann
Many years ago my wife and I went to an area where we had been very active as JWs. At the time, I had disassociated and my wife was still nominally in the Organization. My wife's parents and grandmother met us there. Her Mom and Grandma were JWs, but her Dad had never joined the religion. So, the first night we were there her Dad and Mom picked us up and we went out to eat. Mom was pleasant to me (I think because of her non-believing husband), but Grandma didn't acknowledge me (she was a pioneer). I tried to be as pleasant as I could and insisted on carrying Grandma's luggage to her room and she still wouldn't look at me. We went out again and my wife's Dad decided to stop by and visit an old JW friend of theirs. Dad wasn't thinking about my status as an ex-JW and I figured I'd just say I'd wait out in the car while they all went in. But, Grandma was tired and she announced she was going to stay in the car. I figured I had better speak up and said that I was staying in the car too. Grandma then decided she wanted to go in and visit the JW family after all. So, I sat in the car for about 45 minutes while they all went in to visit.
Sometimes shunning gets complicated when you have unbelieving family involved :)