ORPHAN ANNIE- I've lived in Northern California since 1986 - won't say where exactly, but it's the Northern Sierra mountain area. I've known a fair amount of witnesses up in the north state until I exited the witnesses about 6 years ago. Feel free to PM me if you want to share more. Perhaps I could assist you. Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Anyone from Northern California? You might know my relatives!
by Orphan Annie 17 Replies latest jw friends
Tons of family in the Modesto area.
I'm in the area... PM me if ya like...
Hi Orphan Annie- I sent you a PM
Justitia Themis
Born in Sacto...lived there till 1973. Fruitridge cong...lots of family in Broderick cong. Some names you might know Aldana, Grundy, Rapasura, Nugent.
I just sent you a pm
Uh, yeah, northern California is a big place. There's northern California and then there's northern California (and maybe a northern California after that).
wha happened?
I met some JW relatives about 15 years ago in San Mateo. Have no idea who they are now