Further Punishements

by passwordprotected 103 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Finally-Free
    You don't think you should have been more honest when you knew you were using them to facilitate you going to worship with another religion?

    Reniaa, you never cease to amaze me with your idiocy. He is a free man in a free country performing acts that are perfectly legal. He doesn't have to explain his every move to his parents, or to you either.


  • passwordprotected

    @ Quandry - Praise Gathering is an outreach ministry. It isn't simply a concert for "born agains" but non-Christians attend too. We've got the CD of the 2007 concert and they sound fantastic. 4 people from our church are in the choir.

    I should point out that at one of their prayer meetings (they have prayer meetings before each rehearsal) they were praying for the Witnesses in the Glasgow area.

  • reniaa

    Finally free it's one of those situation were respect for another persons beliefs especially family member would mean more openess and if they find out and decide to refuse, password has no real reason for complaint.

    Which God are they Praising/singing to? in the bible singing praise to God is part of worship and the God you sing praise to is the God you worship.

    I'm sure the witnesses appreciate being prayed for, does it involve them seeing sense and following trinity as the true God?

  • Quandry

    I should point out that at one of their prayer meetings (they have prayer meetings before each rehearsal) they were praying for the Witnesses in the Glasgow area.

    Perhaps they could be a little more specific next time and include Reniaa by name

  • passwordprotected

    I'm sure the witnesses appreciate being prayed for, does it involve them seeing sense and following trinity as the true God?

    I wasn't there, so I can't answer that. Maybe it was they'd come out of a satanically inspired cult and be able to have Christ as their mediator. But like I said, I wasn't at the meeting.

    Are you sure you can't babysit tonight?

  • passwordprotected

    Perhaps they could be a little more specific next time and include Reniaa by name

    LOL, perhaps, although I highly doubt that's "her" name.

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Up in heaven, St. Peter (the one with the keys) was giving the tour to some new comers and one of them asked,

    "What's behind that great big wall?"

    "Shhhhhh," St. Peter replied, "It's the Jehovah's Witnesses. They think they're the only ones here."

    PassWP: It just goes to prove they are trained to be anti-god. (in the singular) and that they believe, like other poly-theists, that there are lots Gods.

    I'd keep them away from my kids!


  • mimimimi

    Reniaa, honey, you are the one worshiping a "False God" called the Watchtower Society. Give it a rest, would ya?

  • shamus100

    Reinna, this is only your opinion anyways, idiot. Did you have oxygen depravation at birth? I wonder if your husband lets you see your kids when you post on this board.

    Frankly, I would find another baby sitter, and never use them again.

  • Brocephus

    Reniaa brings up a good point. I do a lot Chrisitian activies volunteer work, etc.. My own Father cornered me on this once and said what do you do when they bring up the Trinity. I told him uhhh Dad, they aren't JW's only you guys constantly bring it up. We are just people that believe in God and accept Christ as our saviour, everything else is moot beyond that and subjective for the most part. Christ said not to be divisive but to be inclusive. He certainly didn't say all that is needed for salvation is to believe in me and the Watchtower did he? To speak directly to Reniaa, the Trinity is biblical. First you must understand that what you think Christians think the trinity is, is not so. Clear your mind of what the Watchtower tells you about the trinity and ask a few pastors or crusie the internet. Then compare that with what the Bible says not using the New World Translation which was translated by a spiritist x-communiated Catholic Priest. (See Johannes Greber).

    That being said Password: I would relay that sentiment to your Dad. Tell him you just don't understand why God would find it so displeasing to him that people would choose to listen to songs about their relationship with him. You also need to testify about your relationship with God. It is subjective and is something not even a JW can argue their way out of. This will also plant those first seeds that maybe it is possible to relate to God outside of the org. Don't be anything but apologetic about not telling him. Don't say you are going to keep the grandkids away from him or show any other kind of dissapointment or negativity. Keep is sunny and positive.

    When you hang up though... Give him the cold shoulder for a while make them reach out to you. They will call ask about the grandkids, say where have you been etc..etc.. Just say you've been busy that's all. They will come closer trust me. Nothing you are saying is earth shaking you are making them look like the jerks if they ignore you for "loving God". This is how I broke my folks. It's a process, good luck.

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