Within recent time, two Gilead Instructors were sent out of Paterson. These men both were experienced and trained well, in fact they were the main Instructors. They each had double digit years of instructing experience. Question: Why do you think they were both sent away at the same time and disheartened?
Two Gilead Instructors let go!
by Bethelite Elder 27 Replies latest jw friends
Can you give us the names of these instructors? Were they dismissed from Bethel or reassigned to a different department?
When it happened to Ed Dunlap,
Crisis of Conscience, says it was
part of a 'witch-hunt' of sorts in
Brooklyn, looking for Witnesses
who didn't support fully Governing
Body teachings.
It could be another witch-hunt or
it could be they are getting rid of
oldtimers because they want fresh
young ones at Bethel without the
high health coverage handicap due
to age and the newbies at Bethel
are more moldable in the Governing
Body's hands, ready to teach what
ever they say.
Were they progressives or hardliners?
How is R&F Bethelites reacting....
Details, don't leave us hanging!
They are getting old.................................OUTLAW
Very strange. Could mean nearly anything without more information.
Why dismiss your most experienced instructors? It's not like a real corporation where the best guys get paid more and thus are more vulnerable in times of cost-cutting. Perhaps they are older and more of an insurance risk, but I'm sure there are even older guys still there.
A couple of thoughts spring to mind quickly:
-- With Jaracz apparently incapacitated by his stroke, perhaps it is a housecleaning or purge of sorts. Maybe whoever is stepping into the leadership vaccum is flexing his muscles.
-- Perhaps this signals a change in the Gilead curriculum?
-- Or maybe Gilead itself will be shut down completely, to save costs? Housing & feeding 4 dozen people every 6 months, then continuing to pay for their medical care as they tromp off to malaria infested jungles, is quite a drain on finances, I'd bet.
Double digit years.......
Of course they were kicked to the curb because their puppetmasters mighty organization are more than willing to spend millions protecting their image than spending it on the people who gave their lives to said organization.
Now just what are these old mento do.....
Live the rest of their lives still a slave to the organization in exchange for a pennied pension. Perhaps the congregation they are sent to will support them.....that is, until their health deteriorate to the point where it might cause some to miss a meeting to take care of them.
My wife likes to brag that there are no witnesses that are hungry, without shelter, or without someone to care for them.
Intheir minds that may be true, since all the ones in that condition are either ignored, forgotten, or just not spoken of because it's not "upbuilding".
Any names? Please!!
maybe they looked at A@G video and they decided to be apostates!
Mickey mouse
Interesting. I guess as a Gilead instructor it's hard to ignore the B.S. You spend all day shovelling it!