Two Gilead Instructors let go!

by Bethelite Elder 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • daniel-p

    Seeing as how these men would certainly be GB "helpers" or well-known longtimers, I find it odd the OP didn't include any names.

  • sspo

    "My wife likes to brag that there are no witnesses that are hungry, without shelter, or without someone to care for them."

    Remind her that here in the US out of 300 million people they are all well fed and living a decent life

    What we consider poor household, they all have at least 2 cars and 2-3 tv.

    Without ever going to the KH

  • Bethelite Elder
    Bethelite Elder

    Sorry W.L. is probably approaching 50 and the other brother L.B. was much younger. NWT and some doctrines were the concern.......................

    Age could not be the issue because they were younger than the Instructors that exist now. They left Bethel entirely, at the time---we started hearing many morning worships on Mercy. Rumor has it, that they went easy on them.

  • yknot


    But I thought Lawrence Bowen was reassigned to a Sp Pio and Wallace Liverance was laid-off and now serving as a JWN's inlaws COBOE back in late 2007 or early 2008.

    Mark Noumair is a bit of a shock.

    What about the NWT is the issue? Bias or Jesus worship?

    Here I found the thread discussing Bowen and Liverance:

  • Bethelite Elder
    Bethelite Elder

    The Instructors left around the same time, within weeks.

  • yknot

    Okay for clarity sake:

    We have a thread (above link) from about 10 months ago in which LB and WL leaving is discussed.

    But are you saying now Mark Noumair too has been pushed out or left?

  • cameo-d

    I have all ideas this is done in prep of the reorganization structure.

    Those leaving or "put out" are most likely being replaced by professionally trained NGO liason people.

    It will look like WT crumbles and falls eventually. But don't let them get the last laugh.

    They are actually diversifying and changing names to hide under a variety of new organizations (inter-faith ventures) which will be operative in the realm of "humanities" in the theocratic new system.

    This is what all the change is about.

    They are not falling apart; only regrouping.

    And the less sheep know the better. Sheep in all categories will be best booted out as they would not be efficient of bringing about the new changes nor accepting of them as they violate the old standards.

    Replacements will be very slick professional trained psych-ops people as liason between HQ and the JW world.

    Keep on the watch.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Bowen and Liverance left Gilead around Aug/Sept 2007. This is seriously old news.

  • Bethelite Elder
    Bethelite Elder

    Thats why i say, within recent time.

    Notice this thread is about a question, I ask. Which you would imagine some people will answer. I have an update about it, that is new news and I believe those who participate will appreciate.

  • insearchoftruth
    Why do you think they were both sent away at the same time and disheartened?

    Was it age or illness related.....I can not imagine it was for teaching against the org, they would have been df'd if that were the case...Could it be to make space available for other folks.

    I am very interested to hear about the update.

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