Witnesses want to be perfect now because the religion is a religion of works. Since you can never really do enough works to be perfect, you're constantly in a crisis of self loathing, and then out of self loathing, you do stupid harmful things.
You either need to get religion that frees you from this constant feeling of condemnation, that teaches God's forgiveness and unconditional love, or get into that mindset through non-spiritual means, which is what psychology does. (I once heard a psychologist say that psychologists are the secular version of priests, and I believe that's quite true).
A lot of modern cognitive behavioral therapy is based on that same idea that you cannot work yourself in to approval, self acceptance needs to be intrinsic to being human. In other words, what is embodied in the "you're good enough" self affirmation speeches common to psychology and self help.
You can't use excessive guilt as a control mechanism with people because it's negative reinforcement, which is proven to have it's limitations. Positive reinforcments of "yes, you're good enough, you're forgiven, you can do better" are much more emotionally useful, regardless of where you get them.