I was born in, 3rd generation, left at 28 years old, booted out, went through hell for a number of years (about 8 years), very suicidal ofen, did the wole drugs, drink and everything else scene, trying to find myself.
Last 3 or 4 years have been brilliant though, no sign of depression, no anxiety, just eventually, after a lot of work on myself, started to carve out a new life, not looked back since.
Sure, I lost all my family, friends, everyone I always knew, but then, life goes on. Sure, it ain't easy recovering, personally Wouldn't wish the journey on my worst enemy, but life does go on, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Now, I don't give witness thought patterns a second thought, just realise that it is what it is, a bunch of crazy lunatics exerting high level of control through fear onto the lives of other people.
I personally now believe it's a load of crap, please pardon my French.
You just got to keep plugging away at it, it's your life, not their's. Eventually, you do get to see it for exactly the absolute Sh** that it all is, it's not worth thinking about, giving it the time of day -- life is just too big and too precious, too wonderful to let such utter bumkum influence your thought patterns.
Life in 'the world' is wonderful, it's absolutely fantastic. People generally speaking everywhere are nothing like what you have been led to believe. They are just ordinary people getting on with life in all it's permutations particular to any one culture, wherever you may live and there's some great characters out there.
For the most part, people are honest, down to earth, kind and friendly, the odd grumpy old sod, but then you get that anywhere you go.
As I said, I lost everyone, my wife, son, mother, father, sister, neices the whole schebang, what the hell? Life is too wonderful to sweat the small stuff. Family members, they come, they go, it's the same for a lot of people. We are nothing unique, nothing special, that's just life, you just eventually grin and bear it. Sure, it can be painful at times, but don't think about it, replace those feelings of negativity with positiveness, what other choice do you have?
You can allow it all to eat you up from the inside out or you can get on with your own life, set new challenges for yourself, new goals, new objectives, take action and life kind of, sort of, rights itself again, believe it or not.
It takes time for it to get to that point, it's sheer hell meanwhile, but life does get better with the passage of time, you just have to 'just be' sometimes where you are at, right now, in the moment. Life will self right itself eventually.
There really light at the end of a very dark, long tunnel, if you keep faith in yourself.
Know when to smile, know when to laugh, know when to cry, know when to scream, know that it is all ok, this is you, your life, your personality and you deserve something better.
It's all good.