Been here 3 and a half years. Miss a lot of people but Unique1 and Crumpet come to mind right now.
Older posters check in...just post your name...we need to hear from you!
by restrangled 158 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Big Tex
Hi Chris! How's it going?
Valis, LittleToe and Englishman were the first three I thought of when I posted here earlier! I have to admit I spent a lot of time in total hysterics with Corvin and ....oh my...a Senior Moment here....Buckshot or Gunshot was it? The one with the little girl....anyway (scuse the memory lapse) they were SO funny and between those two and Farkel bantering back and was quite a time back then.
I had no use for Fred Hall either. I just did not "get him" at all.
Annie! How ya doin'? Yeah there are so many people gone now, it's hard to remember how things used to be isn't it? I do remember the PMs you sent me, I wish I could have kept all those. 2002-2005 was a special time in my life, I got really involved in this board and I've met lots of folks here. I quit counting at 200.
I know who you're talking about -- shotgun. I hope he's okay. He was a good guy, I met him and talked with him a few times. I think you're thinking of imallgrowedup, and how she made all sorts of wild accusations here. Yeah Corvin was a very ... interesting ... individual. I remember him very well.
Then there was that whole JWO nonsense, so much anger and vitriol from those folks, so many hurt feelings so much angst and now it's all wiped out.
Been here 7 years...
Almost 7 years of crankiness from me.
defective light
4+ years of lurkin'
Been here since 2004. It sure is nice to see some of the old timers from my sign on and before, answering this topic. At least we know they still lurk monitor the forum to see what is going on in the borg. Almost everyone has contributed something positive for the rest of us.
Been here since 2001, though I don't post so much anymore.
Wasanelder Once
4 years and still not a heavy hitter. W.Once
Hi there, UnDisfellowshipped here. I've been posting here since 2002 (wow, it's been 7 years now! Hard to believe). I did take a few breaks in there too.
Six going on seven.