I first read JWD in 2001. I joined as FHN in 2003, 6 years ago.
Older posters check in...just post your name...we need to hear from you!
by restrangled 158 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Arwen has been here since 2005.. I am sure I would have lost what little I have left of my mind had I not found Simon's board. I have met some of the posters in person and I am hoping to meet restrangled this winter. Anyone else in Florida let me know as I am here for the winter.. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year..
Hello all. Guess I've been around awhile - never posted alot, but I used to spend a whole lot of time here. Nowadays I just look in every once in awhile. It's always good to see that everyone from the old days hasn't completely disappeared ( I miss you too, April ).
waves at cowboy
Caballo Sentado, standing by...
dmouse checking in.
As others have said, pop in from time to time but usually just to read.
I think I have not yet posted in this thread.
8 1/2 years.
My cats breath smells like cat food.
Country Girl
I dunno.. like eight years or sumpin.