Is the Governing Body the Only Channel of Communication between God and Men?
by UnDisfellowshipped 96 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Spike Tassel
To UnDisfellowshipped (Post 2505): Thank you for following up on my initiative in splitting the thread up, which Reniaa herself seconded.
• If I may paraphrase, you're asking how anyone (me, for one) can keep going to the KH, diligently try to keep up with the reading of JW literature, and do their best to apply what they read and hear there, including discussing and supporting that message.
• For me, it comes down to the way they've put the package together: the interesting variety of meeting parts and articles regarding the Good Book that I probably would have stopped reading otherwise. They gave me a more useful way to think for myself, and about myself and others, even God, the angels, and concepts that I didn't even think of before. I have become more mature in my ability to think of the consquences of my actions. Choice has become part of my vocabulary, and increasingly evident in my life, if I do say so myself.
• They have given me access to a modern language translation of the Inspired Scriptures that always draws me back to, despite having literally dozens on my library shelves. I feel more and more comfortable with the New World Translation with References as the years pass.
• They have given me access to a practical way to understand the prophecies, a more-comprehensive understanding of history: a history that I feel I fit into and can express (at least in part) to others, relationships that I feel I can grow in, a perspective that keeps me going whether humans around me understand me or not.
• They have given me consistency, which I didn't have access to before. They have given me real dignity and respect and purpose and guidance, even though I was more accustomed to the false versions of these. They have given me the tools to forgive and accept forgiveness. Their imperfection has allowed me to accept and work with by my own and that of others.
• They have given me the tools to enable me to fill-in what had felt hollow before. A day's text and comments to review each day, to help me work on my personality and help me progress in understanding and actually grow in my relationships with others. I'm more able to endure than before. I'm more able to focus, and switch my focus, than before.
• They want to accept and present what Jehovah actually is, his values, his loves, his hates, his gifts, his perspective. This obedience and submission is seen even in their times of boldness and in their times of silence. I feel more in place, even though I may not be officially accepted as such.
— Spike Tassel. -
Too bad it's all a lie...well maybe it ain't too bad
Spike Tassel
No, mrsjones5, it ain't too bad at all. The more perspective I have, the friendlier I am, which gives me more freedom of speech, and more freedom in silence while I look for the good in others. — Spike Tassel.
HI spike
Your post was something I enjoyed, the aspiration to gain true knowledge of Jehovah is something that inspires the same in me. To do his will and follow his son Jesus are goals that are to be admired among others like ourselves a brotherhood all believing in One Almighty blessed God Jehovah through the freegift of his beloved son Jesus.
Psychotic Parrot
LOL Reniaa you make me want to vomit with your crap.
Spike Tassel
To reniaa (Post 1556)
• At that time those in fear of Jehovah spoke with one another, each one with his companion, and Jehovah kept paying attention and listening. And a book of remembrance began to be written up before him for those in fear of Jehovah and for those thinking upon his name. — Malachi 3:16
• Thank you, Reniaa, for this privileged interchange of encouragement. These goals you mention are also life-saving attitudes and the sure, narrow way. May peace, joy, and love, and their 6 "friends" be with you always. Yes, where would we be without entering in and tasting of the free gift of which you speak?! The scarlet becomes white as snow as the ransom is applied, even to us. Fight on, faithful sister, in "the complete suit of armor from [Jehovah] God", even in these perilous times.
— Spike Tassel. -
Thank you spike
Sometimes it's to easy to get used to people not being kind on here. thankyou
HI spike
Your post was something I enjoyed, the aspiration to gain true knowledge of Jehovah is something that inspires the same in me. To do his will and follow his son Jesus are goals that are to be admired among others like ourselves a brotherhood all believing in One Almighty blessed God Jehovah through the freegift of his beloved son Jesus.
My reply: Except you are not following the are following men claiming to be appointed by the Son to teach you. Their track record proves they have never had anything to do with the Son. They are a brotherhood (an unloving one at that) who fit Matt 15;7, 8 & 9 to a tee:
- 7
- Hypocrites, well did Isaiah prophesy about you when he said:
- 8
- 'This people honors me with their lips, 5 but their hearts are far from me;
- 9
- in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines human precepts.'"
Sure they mouth Lord, Lord...but their actions belie their claims.
Are you sure you want to stay in the Borg even though the GB gave false prophicies and protects pedophiles? Even with the wishy washy doctrinal changes over the years?
Or the fact that the NWT bible was translated by Johannes Greber?
Good luck living with a lie. Like the Matrix.....
(Subbing "Matrix" for "Watchtower") Morpheus: The Watchtower is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.
Alot of JWs would fight to protect it, even if when they know of the real Truth, they'll just blizzfully stay.