Family Night is held once a year at Bethel and all the Branches. When I was a missionary, every year both missionary homes in that country were invited to the Branch Office, and we had a dinner with the Bethelites, and Family Night. The Bethelites did some singing and skits, and each missionary home was invited to submit something. It was pretty ridiculous. A couple of the European missionaries had talent and sang or played an instrument, the rest of us did dumb skits, related to preaching or the missionary home.
I never went to Family Night at Brooklyn, I was too tired to go after work. I heard some are good, and some not that good. All of them have to pass a "committee" of brothers to weed out anything risque.
I heard about some of the performances on Family Night, singing, waiters on roller skates, swing dancing, piano playing. I heard that some Bethelites have real talent.
Anyone here been, or participated?