Hello Blue Grass,
One of the biggest alibis I hear
by Blue Grass 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hello Blue Grass,
One of the biggest alibis I hear
Hello Blue Grass,
One of the biggest alibis I heard as a JW was, well -- we're not perfect. We make mistakes. That, after clearly illustrating several lies that we'd been told by the WT publications over the years. My mother, who has since passed, told me, “There are honest mistakes – but never honest lies.”
I don't know about you, but to me, there are a few things that throw up a big red flag. I call them irreconcilable differences.
1. Lies
2. Doctrinal Contradictions -- these include flip flops, flip flop flips, and even one flip flop flip flop flip (that's on the resurrection, yes or no, of the Sodomites).
If your conscience can live with those red flags, I say go for it.
Be happy.
Don’t let religion get in the way. Find a nice JW girl and settle down.
Atheist or JW, all you need is love.
By the way, I forgot to mention, read up all you can on the JWs. I highly recommend books like Crisis of Conscience by Ray Franz as well as his other book In Search of Christian Freedom. Also The Gentile Times Reconsidered by Carl Jonsson and Apocalypse Delayed by James Penton. These books will help convince you to stay out for the sake of your conscience and spirituality.
Why do you think the bible should be shown respect?
And don't all "christian" religions have about the same amount of respect for the bible?
I want to think everyone for their thoughts so far and also I just want to clarify that I still don't believe most of their teachings such as 1914, anointed class, views on blood, holidays, etc. I would be returning for purely social reasons. Even before I started studying I didn't drink, smoke, have sex, curse, watch R-rated movies, or go to clubs so I am finding it virtually impossible to find people to associate with. It's like I have two choices, be a hermit in my 20s or return to the Witnesses. The watchtower won't be controlling my life like other members because I don't believe they speak for God and I'd do enough to be considered 'safe'. Which won't be much by the way.
I want to think everyone for their thoughts so far and also I just want to clarify that I still don't believe most of their teachings such as 1914, anointed class, views on blood, holidays, etc. I would be returning for purely social reasons. Even before I started studying I didn't drink, smoke, have sex, curse, watch R-rated movies, or go to clubs so I am finding it virtually impossible to find people to associate with. It's like I have two choices, be a hermit in my 20s or return to the Witnesses. The watchtower won't be controlling my life like other members because I don't believe they speak for God and I'd do enough to be considered 'safe'. Which won't be much by the way.
Bluegrass, just remember that there are many religious groups that can satisfy a need to be around moral, Bible oriented people without being as controlling as WT is.
I can only read your initial post, not your last response(s) for some odd reason. So, if there's more information I am missing, perhaps it will show up after I post (or tomorrow).
I only heard the phrase "one hundred and forty four thousand" once in 3 days and "governing body", "watchtower", and "faithful and discreet slave" a handful of times. There was a lot a talk about Jesus, even more than Jehovah. I suspect this might only be the case because the conventions are open to the public.
Yes, it is not the ordinary not to have the FDS mentioned, and Jehovah usually way outruns Jesus in mentions.
You might have overlooked the variances on FDS, or they may have minimized it.
However I must admit that i really do miss being around people who show respect for the Bible
When you read Ray Franz's two books, you can see how they don't really respect the Bible. Their translation was made in such a poor way by amateurs and was made to support their doctrines. JW's are scripture-learners, and don't always apply the context of their scriptures. They believe every word that the WT literature says about the Bible without thinking for themselves.
Also I do find the women in the "truth" to be much better as oppose to "worldly" women for a guy in his early 20s.
You obviously want your woman to be "clean." They are out there, just don't expect to stumble across them in bars.
JW women typically want their husband to climb the WT ladder. Regardless of how relaxed your attitude was at the wedding, you may well wind up on the JW treadmill, bucking for MS then elder, supporting your pioneer wife to help get that promotion.
Hmmmm... going back for assosiation...
Look, I'm not going to feel sorry for you. You're joining a cult because you're lonely.
Find out what's really wrong and fix it. Or join a cult because your lonely. It's your choice.
I think you can probably do one whole hell of a lot better than joining a cult.