The best thing about going back to the JWs is that you'll get to earn everlasting Earth on a Paradise Earth.
Relapse: I'm considering returning to the Kingdom Hall.
by Blue Grass 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I don't believe they speak for God and I'd do enough to be considered 'safe'. Which won't be much by the way.
Well, then, would you be doing the girl you want to find any favor? She might be expecting a loyal Witness who believes wholeheartedly in the WT teachings.She might be expecting to marry someone who wants to climb up in the organization. This could cause trouble in the future.
How about your education? Are you aware that the WTS says that you should not go beyond basic schooling? How about education for any children you may have?
Right now, since you are young, how about working on yourself? Get that education, so that you will be able to make an informed choice about many things.
I'm not sure if this was brought up on this thread. But if you go back for social reasons alone, have doctrinal issues again later and finally decide you cannot rationalize or justify staying in, then I have to say it will be harder the longer you stay. If you're in your 20's building a social life is going to be easier than later on in life when all your peers are involved in their own lives as often happens as people age.
I think 20's is a good time to start a social life from scratch. Most of my friends were from my early 20's.
Guest with Questions
Reniaa: This has to be your choice or you'll never be satisfied with it, I can only say for myself it was believing in Jehovah and his son Jesus and the depth of bible truths that made me go back to my faith. I was deeply unhappy with the Jesus worship offered by other Christian religions when Jesus never wanted it and he himself praised his father and his God utterly. I am glad you enjoyed the assembly.
So you believe that as Christians we don’t believe in Jehovah God and His Son Jesus? You don’t believe that as Christians we don’t do in depth study of Bible truths? You were unhappy with Jesus worship?
Your ignorance of Christians is appalling. As a Christian I can assure you that we do indeed believe in Yahweh God and His son Yeshua and do have in depth studies of Bible truths. We don’t go to church each Sunday, go to Bible Studies etc just to learn more deviant behaviour as some seem to think.
As for worshiping Jesus you are correct. Obeisance and worship is the same thing. This link will be of help to you.
My mom was a hardcore witness for 37 years. She believed that if the witnesses were wrong then God didn’t exist. She has been coming to church with me for the past year and a half and shows no signs of going back to the witnesses. She knows too much to go back. Yes she does miss some of the people but she will get to know other good people. She is gradually admitting to me what was wrong with the organization. She still defends it but I believe in time that will fade. She realized that it was not God that she put her faith in but the organization. She finds the worship a bit loud for her taste (she’s almost 80) but is starting to realize that it isn’t wrong to show emotion during worship and finds witness worship dry and unemotional.
She knows that it wasn’t me who got her out. It was the witnesses themselves. She saw the hypocrisy, self righteousness and a lack of concern for her. She left over emotional issues but she stays away because of doctrinal issues. Many of the people are very good moral people but they are deceived and I hope that one day they too will see the truth of the "truth".
"So you believe that as Christians we don’t believe in Jehovah God and His Son Jesus? You don’t believe that as Christians we don’t do in depth study of Bible truths? You were unhappy with Jesus worship?"
Because that is what jws are taught, folks on the outside of the bOrg are just doing lip service when it comes to worshipping Christ and God. When I got out and started attending a church I found that what the watchbOrg told me was a lie. A total and complete lie.
Dark Side
The only reason I'd return to a Kingdumb Hall would be if it was on fire. I'd bring marshmallows
Blue Grass, if you think there are no morally upright people outside of JW's, you are mistaken.
There are so many wonderful people and things out there, but you have to come out of the box to experience them.
Peace, strength, and love to you.
The Berean
Hi ...
Can you go back as a visitor or is the matter black or white to you? Many go back simply because others want them to. In my opinion it is not about doctrine. You have the right to choose ya or nay. The KH is a public building. To me, it's not really that big of a deal one way or the other ...
Everyone should have the freedom and right to join whatever religion they wish to join. If you wish to "go back" to the meetings and associate with the congregation, then by all means do so. That's your right and you're free to do so.
Most of the everyday JWs are good people. I still have some friends active in the faith, though they have less time for me since I'm inactive.
If you think you can just hang out and associate in a social aspect, you'll find, in time, that it probably won't work out that you can just be a social member of the congregation. The more you associate with them, the more they're going to expect from you as being a totally committed member. That means joining the Ministry School, going door to door, cutting ties with any non-JW friends, etc.
If you're willing to do all that, then again, fine, go back and enjoy the lifestyle.
But before you go back and become totally ensconced in the JW way of life, think about what would happen later if you chose to investigate other religions to the point of attending their services and reading their literature. Do you think that you would be free to attend services at other churches, if for no other reason to educate yourself in their beliefs?
What if you found friends outside the JW circle and wanted to associate with them? How will the congregation look upon that? What if you found romance outside the hall? Do you think your JW friends will be happy for you....or will they "counsel" you about becoming "unevenly yoked with an unbeliever"?
It's your what you want to do...but whatever you do, do so well informed and confident that it is the very best thing for you.
Good luck on your journey...
OK, Blue Grass, I'm going to weigh in on this one. Of course I'm not you, but if I were single and looking for a social life that included singles in a conservative setting I would be looking at some of the larger Evangelical church groups locally. The larger ones should have a singles ministry which is a great place to make friends with people who are not into non-stop parties. Of course there are no guarantees but you should be able to find one (or several) churches that would welcome you to join such a ministry without becoming a member or making a commitment to the group.
When I say "Evangelical" I mean a conservative church that holds the Bible as the word of God and Jesus as the way of salvation. There are churches that have the name Evangelical in them that are not Evangelical. But anyway, look around and see what is available. It cannot hurt and you should not have the problem removing yourself from the group if you decide that it isn't for you, unlike the WT which as you know will make your life miserable if you re-join them.
By the way, I consider myself to be Baptist, but I attend an Evangelical Free church. I have been going there for a few years, play in the praise band, help with the food pantry. My wife is involved with Vacation Bible school this week and we are not members of this church. Granted, we face some limits to what we can do but this is a conservative/fundamental Bible church, not a liberal feel good church. If there is a Calvary Chapel in your area, you might give them a try. Also, some "community" churches are Evangelical so they too attract the kinds of people I think you are interested in meeting.
Have fun Blue Grass,