Michael Jackson is Dead!

by slimboyfat 216 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow

    You said his worst crime was....

    I said I didn't say anything about crimes of any degree. I'm sure he probably committed crimes during his life. How many of us can truly say we never committed a crime? The things I said about Michael were about his lala land approach to kids and their parents. Many wealthy, eccentric people have become the targets of greedy people whose brains turned into cash registers. *Kaching*

  • flipper

    I'm on the side of reality here. I find it absolutely astounding and ironic that many of the same people on this site who so willingly jumped on the bandwagon condemning the WT society in 2007 for covering up child abuse and settling out of court with 16 victims in the millions of $$$$$ - are in the same breath so willing to find nothing wrong at all with an adult male in his 30's and 40's sleeping with different children in his bed absolutely normal. I find that bizarre as hell. No, nothing wrong at all with dangling your own infant out of a second story window to get a breath of fresh air is there ? Perfectly normal behavior which every parent should try to emulate. Jesus.

    In my opinion Sir Michael was off his F---ing rocker and a certified nutcase. His celebrity didn't impress me at all . It doesn't mask the harm he did to those children in the least. Actually - I imagine Ryan O'Neal and his family are somewhat offended that Farrah Fawcett hasn't received a bit more attention for her death and what she accomplished in life. There was a woman who was graceful in death , handled her plight with dignity and check THIS out - after acting in her movie " The Burning Bed " she actually joined an organization to help victims of spousal abuse cope with the severity of everything that comes in an abusive home. If anybody needs to be thought well of- it's her.

    I think people get starstruck and believe what they want to believe. Just like inside the witnesses. It's easier to turn your head

  • brinjen
    I find it absolutely astounding and ironic that many of the same people on this site who so willingly jumped on the bandwagon condemning the WT society in 2007 for covering up child abuse and settling out of court with 16 victims in the millions of $$$$$ - are in the same breath so willing to find nothing wrong at all with an adult male in his 30's and 40's sleeping with different children in his bed absolutely normal.

    Who said it was normal? The pedophiles that were in my congregation would have never done something like that and would also be calling him a nutcase (and yes, he was nuts) for it... they're still pedophiles. Does it make what they did any less worse?

    We don't know for certain either way.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Some people tend to believe the worst. It just seems more magnetic, the sensational: the titilating. I remember this kind of talk going around the Kingdom Halls. There were those who seemed more gullible to delicious gossip and to believe it hook, line and sinker. I heard more terrible gossip during my time in the org. than I did before joining or after leaving. I probably believed some of it myself, though I usually said to myself that I didn't know all the facts. It's the nature of Jehovah's Witnesses to be suspicious of everyone, including their own brothers and sisters. Maybe we don't completely shed that influence when we leave.

  • brinjen

    Good points FlyingHighNow.

  • StoneWall

    All this blame game going on and no one ever stops to ask well what about the parents who did allow their little sons

    to stay with a 30 or 40 year old man. What does that tell you about them? Do you consider them fit parents?

    Even without the celebrity status what parent allows their 10 year old to go stay with a grown man that is not in

    any way shape or form related to the man.

    And don't stop there. Why when the detectives busted thru his doors at neverland ranch and basically raped his home

    from top to bottom did they not find any clear evidence of wrong doing? Why does neither of his ex-wives have anything

    to say about him being a child molester or believing him to be. I think Lisa Marie woulda said something if she thought

    he was a molester. She had nothing to lose or gain financially cause she has her Elvis fortune to bank on.

    There are many things that don't add up on closer inspection of the so-called evidence. I'm not saying that

    he was totally innocent but also as others have pointed out follow the $$ signs. I've not got much use for a parent

    that will settle for a monetary settlement if they really believe their child was molested. First you get the creep behind

    bars so no others can be hurt by them then you go for the monetary damages which you will get anyhow after the

    conviction. You NEVER let someone who you feel is guilty get away and be allowed to do it again to another innocent


  • flipper

    BRINJEN- You stated, " The pedophiles that were in my congregation would have never done something like that " ( sleep in beds with children like Michael you mean ? ) Well then - may I ask WHERE in the world DO most pedophiles molest children if not in beds ?? I guess there is the occasional pedophile that abuses children out in the open in broad daylight for all to see - but from what I hear that's pretty rare. No - it doesn't make it any less worse. Adults having sleepovers with children is wrong - as is abusing a child. But from what I hear these pedophiles " groom " children gradually first - getting them used to being touched even on the arm, leg, or other non sexual places to get innocent children's trust - then in time they abuse sexually once the child has been duped into believing it's O.K. I think THIS is the type of gradual molestation Bizzy Bee is talking about. I think Bizzy makes perfect sense. It could be many here are startstruck and googly eyed over the glitz and glamour of MJ's money. That's my take

  • FlyingHighNow
    Well then - may I ask WHERE in the world DO most pedophiles molest children if not in beds ??

    Flipper, how the heck do you know this? Victims will tell you that it often happens anywhere but in beds. I've heard of these places: swimming pools, on someone's lap in the car while being allowed to "drive a car." Then there's the old closet, basement, abandoned house, empty apartment, school room, school broom closet, under the high school stadium, in the dug out at the ballpark after everyone else has gone home. There's the scout hut, the ________ club, the YMCA and anywhere in a church. None of my friends who told me they were molested ever told me that it happened in a bed. My sister was molested by a neighbors dad in the family bathroom with his unsuspecting wife sitting a few feet away, in another room.

    My mom let me sleep in her bed anytime I was scared or lonely. She never once molested me. My grandmother had me sleep in her bed because there were 7 of us visiting and she had room for one of us in her bed. She never once molested me. How on earth do you know where MOST pedophiles molest children?

  • FlyingHighNow

    Flipper, it could be that many here know that many people have larceny in their hearts. Many here know that someone behaving in an eccentric manner, who is also fabulously wealth & famous is also an easy target. Especially the second kid's parents. They knew Michael had settled out of court for millions.

    It's not a good idea for adults to have sleep overs with kids. It doesn't mean every adult who does so is a pedophile. Some people just don't understand the boundaries between childhood and adulthood. It doesn't make them all pedophiles.

  • flipper

    FHN- I'm sure that pedophiles do molest children in different places , of course. But they usually try to hide it and conceal it is my point. Even if others might be in the next room.

    And your point about sleeping with your grandmother or your mom is lame. Come on. Of course children do that and it's totally acceptable. Michael Jackson WAS NOT these children's father or grandfather or blood relative - it's a different situation. He had no right to be engaged in that intimate kind of conduct with minor children. In the U.S. A. if children are touched innappropriately in a sexual manner it is called child abuse. It's a criminal offense. Celebrity or no celebrity

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